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Status Updates posted by Bloodmoon

  1. I don't get the corporal title :FeelsBad:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unjo


      Neither do I 

    3. ItsGG


      neither do I

    4. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      nigga i aint even got deputy at least u a cop

  2. Can staff change their copy + paste responses for tickets to gray instead of black so I don't have to highlight the text.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Plumber


      ^ He's got a point @Ignis.Salvation Gaming and their staff should consider this change as well. Oh wait.

    3. MrB1


      Just like @Plumber should consider suicide, as a viable option.

    4. KrispyK




      I used responses from the lightning bolt button to decline people for support team on salvation

  3. Bending rules while on the fly OMEGALUL

  4. Would be cool if cops still responded to hostage situations. 

    1. Kyle
    2. -dante-


      Depends on the cops I guess. Unless physically impossible, I always do. 

  5. About to titan a civ hawk and a hacker kills everyone on the server smh

  6. 14 days past april 1st

  7. How you gonna tell me i gotta wait an hour timer to play fortnite

  8. High Roll Betting happening right now server 1 kavala

  9. why was @Dominick Ramos status update removed?

  10. grats on corporal @Proud

    1. Fedot
    2. proud


      I came into MC ts and first thing i hear is 10 people saying "Congrats on corporal"

  11. Now selling my anti-vigilante package. For a negotiable price I will sit at your gang shed and kill any vigilantes that show up.

    1. Apathy


      you tried to vigi me bloodmoon im dissapointed in you >"(


    1. Unjo



      That LOTR music at the end as well

    2. darn fool
  13. ETA on answering all the ETA's? 

  14. New song of the week is great

    1. Regal


      Lil mop is my idol

      oh someone changed it nvm

  15. SGT Deadpool imminent?

    1. DeadPool


      is this really still a meme?

    2. Orgondo


      You are still a meme..


  16. Woke up to see @Regal guessed the prime rib password. 

    1. Savage
    2. Dangus


      Hahaha what a fucking meme I love it.

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