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Status Replies posted by bummm


    i just played the server for 28 hours pre much my entire arma 3 time to become a cop, I read the handbook 3 times, waited in teamspeak for 2 hours 30 minutes before getting moved, I answered the first few questions but by the few after that he was nitpicking every single answer like, not very user friendly, for 2 hours and 30 mins of my time to be wasted, I work 8 hours a day 5 days a week so for me to get 28 hours on the server in like a month of playing was alot of dedication, only to be told sorry dude  like, for real, just give people the test and dont make them wait 2 hours and 30 mins just for them to leave the server because they wasted over a day of total playtime and almost 3 hours in teamspeak like, holy fuck 

    1. bummm


      You gotta understand this isn't someone job either. People are taking free time out of their day to test you. It is your fault that you failed.


      Also why are we posting yelp reviews on an arma 3 forums

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. swervy and big john are pedophiles

  3. swervy and big john tag teamed me when i was 15

  4. If anyone would like to give me 1 mil to start out again that would be great. I just recovered from a gambling addiction and a kick start would really help.

    1. bummm


      With access to drones, quality content could be made

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. If anyone would like to give me 1 mil to start out again that would be great. I just recovered from a gambling addiction and a kick start would really help.

    1. bummm


      They aren't skits.... It just a sad reality

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Why does it take 2 days after the last conquest for people to complain about conquest.

  7. I am formally retiring from the forums. I pass my torch onto the next generation of arma 3 shitters. 

  8. Warning to all the APD members out there. Don't joke around on cop or you can be blacklisted!

  9. APD PSA

    Ensure that when you are using the armed jeep you are using the appropriate engagement text.

    "This is the APD Armed Jeep, Land/Stay Landed/Park and Surrender or be fired upon by the APD. Any hostile action towards the Armed Jeep will be met with lethal force. You have 5 seconds to comply!"

    This can be found in the desciption of all APD Channels. 

    @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member

  10. If any of you losers still play league and have Amazon Prime there is a kind of neat bundle that got released today worth more than the Prime Sub.


  11. @ Noodles:D  @ Mr Josh  @ Greenbum Do you guys have something to tell us?

  12. @ destruct you are a fucking bitch 

  13. @ ThatNerdyGuy


















    edit uve got a forehead bigger than my 11 toes 

  14. @ Greenbum  ur just not a cool dude no more man im sorry but im removing you on snapchat 😞

  15. Congrats @ Noodles:D on your first tentative steps out of the closet.

  16. @ Noodles:D  has come out as hella gay. Please support him for who he is.

  17. Happy birthday @ Riiken Tenkashie you a real one ❌🧢

  18. olympus breeds different types of weird cunts

    1. bummm


      @ Monks  I am very happy to hear this. Good work son!

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  19. olympus breeds different types of weird cunts

    1. bummm


      You and your brother are prime examples

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

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