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Everything posted by ItsGG


  2. is there not a shrinking zone in gw??

  3. Amen Honestly I've had a bye the past couple gw and I enjoy watching the first round fights on stream, maybe you don't have to stream them all, but I personally really would like to see bpm vs are we lethals and simply enjoy watching the fights. I don't think there will be as much hype towards the finals if none of the first round fights are streamed.
  4. plz stream some of those first round fights tho at least bpm vs are we lethals or tree vs astro cause I wanna see that shit @Drama

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MAV


      Yeah but they gonna revive each other until you run outta ammo then wait until you starve to death cause the required kit for medics is 10food and 10 water, no cops carry that much so gg

    3. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      23 minutes ago, MAV said:

      Yeah but they gonna revive each other until you run outta ammo then wait until you starve to death cause the required kit for medics is 10food and 10 water, no cops carry that much so gg

      I carry 12...GET FUKD

    4. drama


      its getting streamed

  5. Any idea what games? Just curious, looking forward to this either way
  6. o7 peter gonna miss he gang wars streams and your ice cream truck
  7. don't wanna be that guy but wtf are these mods lol

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ItsGG


      @Corps alright look pal, senior medics have been getting staff time in and time out more recently it has almost only been senior R&R members getting mod and if you haven't noticed (which I don't expect you to) cartel life is not what it was and staff rather don't care enough or simply don't know how to help cartels or civs for that matter cause majority of them are or were career cops or medics. There are only a select few staff who I've noticed actually pay attention to civ life. When it gets to the point where there needs to be a civ council to do staff's jobs and promote civ life because majority of staff are clueless when it comes to civ life. Honestly, give @D P staff already at least he knows about the civ side of things. 

    3. DeadPool


      cant be staff and civ council 

      plus I havent made a mod app in months

    4. ItsGG


      should at this point fam need more civ based staff

  8. hit lvl 100 on coc I swear I'm not 12

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Drippp


      Just downloaded it after 3 years and I’m still a god

  9. ItsGG

    Best Admin?

    Lmao mb I seen you on warzone too but you guys are the only staff I swear I’ve seen on cap for years. And the name “not Ryan” may have thrown me off a bit
  10. ItsGG

    Best Admin?

    I hate these knee padding polls but if I had to pick one @drama hands down, dude actually plays civ and fights cartels, more than most admins can say
  11. I've only ever seen Eu/Uk cqcs and I don't enjoy having to shoot someone 6 times to get a kill. Would be nice to have an NA one.
  12. ItsGG

    Can you make a cqc instead of an A&D for the training server?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ItsGG


      cause i swear the only cqcs are uk and they laggy af

    3. J O E
    4. ItsGG


      Wooden tooth headass @J O E <3

  13. Jonathan Huberdeau is fucking amazing

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ItsGG


      Barkovs hands are the nastiest in the league

      I have huberdeau and hoffman in fantasy hockey and theyre fucking shit up lmao

    3. destruct



    4. ItsGG


      Sorry pal the leafs got that on locks 

  14. @billdroid is a duper get him gone @Staff      

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ikiled
    3. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
    4. Bloodmoon


      You aren't a real duper until you get permd for duping from a status update :4head:

  15. Gangs that rob oil runs definitely do not dominate the servers lmao
  16. For anyone that's interested this bad boy dropped a few hours ago 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ItsGG


      factssss I've been waiting too longggggg

    3. vedalkenn


      I'm fucking pumped for this season

    4. Ronin


      hope daenarys gets piped again this season

  17. @Rossco its about time gratz guy

  18. Wow that [24th STS] gang slaps!

    1. SPBojo


      Trynna talk shit about my first gang i made on Olympus? or is this some new gang?

  19. nEED MOre zUMba clASS sTREamS
  20. Eta on stats page being back up?

  21. Put in a lot of cop hours playing with you gonna miss ya bud o7
  22. That shirt definitely speaks broke my guy lmao
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