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Retired Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by silton

  1. Isnt that cause you use the 16s? I swear someone told me a Mar-10 is like 45k and a tier 5 vest is $500
  2. that was tyrones idea. Mine is to increase the price of gear of cops to reflect similar to what civs pay. Then if they die at warzone they respawn without gear
  3. Close. Only pay for their loadouts when they die on warzone or get robbed. All the time would be dumb
  4. Civs lose much more money then cops and civs make much less from cops. It must we a weird looking circe That was my stand for justice tbh I just wanted to call you a rat and I saw you pile drive a plane into the ground then bring a ghawk
  5. Try again buddy. My argument is that cops lose almost no money and make money through combat and at the expensive of civs. Medics make money at the benefit of civs. Also a lot more money imma have to disagree there buddy ive made quicker money on cop then on medic but as @Hoonter said its inconsistent
  6. Medics help the civs by reviving them and doing a service. Cops fuck everyones day up and lose nothing. zzzz I understand as I have been a cop. But making money on civ is much more risky and you cant even do it successfully when the server is full pop where cops make more on full pop. Also it the times where you can go hours without making money civs can lose millions just looking for fights. I just want to balance the loss of money between the 2 faction cause at this current point in time its extremely unbalanced
  7. Once again its not about warzone. Its about money loss cops vs civs. We lose mass amounts of money on warzone as well. you get titaned 170k. We die 250k. We get tased 250k - 500k +jail.
  8. and I don't lose a box truck full of moonshine a 250k loadout have to pay 260k fee and get 60mins in jail when I get caught at brewery????
  9. warzone raiding isn't really the problem its cops not losing money and making fucking bank
  10. god forbid anyone suggest nerfing the APD. why?
  11. My Issue with the APD is how easy it is to make mass amounts of money and how cheap gear is for how little you have to rebuy your gear. Plus how overpowered it is for seniors who fight on warzone. For one gear on cop even though it is much less powerful gear it still costs a large degree less then it would for rebels. For example the MX a 6.5 30 round rifle costs 35k whereas the MK20 a 5.56 30 round rifle costs 50k? A rebel loadout can cost anywhere from 150k-250k easily and when you die or get arrested its gone unless you get revived. For a cop you only have to buy gear again if you get robbed by civs which in recent times has been made much more difficult for the civs to do. Not only does the gear cost much less for civs but making money is soo much easier as a cop and is actually enjoyable, you get to drive around tasing, processing and seizing trucks and for corporals+ you literally get money for killing people. For civs you have to drive big fat trucks around the map picking and processing which takes large amounts of time which also comes at the huge risk of being robbed, tased by cops or arma'd and having to wait 2 weeks for a comp request to go through. My main issue with the APD is fighting seniors at warzone. Even though it has been decreased heavily since the rules have changed there is still rats like @a overweight giant retard who fly around the edge of warzone waiting to chase someone in with a plane like the rat he is . Ever since @RabidAltLeL aka DDoS extraordinaire has been permed dealing with these seniors has been made much harder . I find it extremely unfair how senior APD members get mk1 loadouts with sweet vests for fuck all money and just get it back when they respawn, while civs have to pay 250k just to get a mk1 with a tier 3 vest. Me and @Tyrone have come up with a few solutions to make it more balanced Cops gear increases. To prices that closely mirror the prices civs have to pay for gear. Mainly Senior Gear. Cops that die on warzone spawn without gear (If that's even possible @devs). Civs get warpoints for cops on cartels. Just 1. Another Solution is spawn without gear and there is a fee after dying on warzone to access the shop again. Dependent on what rank you are. Credit: @Tyrone Please try to not make this another APD shitpost . #SiltonCivRep @ThatNerdyGuy
  12. csat looks completely different to any other uniform you gotta have the big downs to not be able to tell the difference
  13. silton


    Agreed. The best way to learn is to play. You can get better and join a more experienced gang and learn more. Also play CQC
  14. 2 days and perms for the same thing. :hmm:

    @Peter Long you're cooked

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Moose


      People wonder why its dead when half the kids use pulldowns

    3. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Tell me how im cooked my dude.

    4. monster
  15. silton


    No. All of your posts are complete horseshit
  16. silton


    Can you please just stop posting
  17. I was wrong about dog being a hardstuck corporal :(

  18. you know its randomly generated when mc aren't in the 2nd bracket automatically
  19. Daevon is live!!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Daevon


      u guys can all smd... wrong black maybe @L3SL13

    3. Crunchedd


      @Daevon that steak looks litt

    4. proud


      He's a little bit more on the fat side so leslie tbh

  20. silton


    @Hippo used it, he says its worth if you're always flying but in first person
  21. you're on fucking crack if you actually think this
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