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Status Replies posted by bigSMOKE

  1. Anyone want to buy me escape from tarkov plz?

  2. u ban me for the racism, but n word by itself is not racist? not cool dude? it is not like i have something against the black men or anything, i just say n word instead of black men because it easier. i m not a racist btw.

  3. Where do I apply for coast guard  very intersted ;);)

  4. I was going to wait until the 26th to post this but everyone kept asking for it, so here it is Olympus Medics


  5. @Rzr I haven't been this surprised since @snipeZ got corp :o

  6. People are just dumb asf...

    If your drowning why not just drink the water...

    If your suffocating just fucking breathe...

    If your crippled why not just stand...

    Fucking idiots in life

  7. Is V.I.P $100 or $250? I wanted to donate for it wondering how much I need to spend :P 

  8. @Proud I am fighting you back with kindness.  Don't spam down vote me it's rude ;)

  9. Fastest spawn kill in history 


  10. It's great that the community is still funded off of loyal players, Great place. That was a Thicc donation ;) @Isaac Newton 

    @DashTonic You scared he's gonna pass you? xD you're always donating.


  11. ae49c4087540a021d449e780e31962b6.png


    The "The" PD

  12. ae49c4087540a021d449e780e31962b6.png


    The "The" PD

  13. First person to guess my IRL name gets a free pie of pizza sent to their house. You have 1 hour.

  14. Story time. So im going to class today and i leave late cuz i have a bike and then my bike is missing so i take some kids awful bike because i figure he will be asleep when i get back because i have early class and as im coming back he is walking away from the dorm and kid starts crying and yelling at me about how i took his bike kid legit needs to kill himself his bike probably costs 30 dollars at best. If i ever see that boi again i swear imma knock him up.

  15. "I pussed out. Dawg." [NSM] Lucky 2017

    1. bigSMOKE


      Mad respect to @LuckySide792 for being a real nigga!! Coming up on these streets and putting people in their place.

    2. (See 58 other replies to this status update)

  16. can we get the prices of helmets reduced and get the pilot helmet price increased? no one uses any helmet now other than the pilot helmet xd

  17. "He's trying to be like Dan Bulgarian." -Adi

  18. Happy birthday chino I miss you :(

  19. your boy took an L :FeelsBad:

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