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Everything posted by Arigato

  1. The grind paid off, congrats @L3SL13 you’ve come a long way!

  2. Ayyye congrats @Prime !!!

    1. Prime


      KP raising up 

  3. Talked to @ScreaM and he's doing good, he's thankful from the bottom of his heart for every single one of you, your good thoughts have really helped him and he immensely appreciates you all
  4. o7 for now young genius, anytime you’re on hit me up for some games man
  5. congratz @RogueMK !! Rock the grey and black and show off the neck tattoo :Kappa:


    oh no Sgt Trapnazio congrats homie @Egnazio

  6. Happy birthday [KP] @Prime

    1. Prime


       Thanks miyagi! Purple suit gang for life0EF830552FE439B7BD9C1A9BE22218F1B2CB4C35

    2. Arigato


      That’s such an old picture!! 

  7. Happy birthday ya little genius :Kappa: @ScreaM

  8. Aboose @Dαnte

    1. -dante-


      id downvote you but it wouldnt matter 

    2. Ryan
  9. Congrats @hawk well deserved!

  10. This link will properly show you how to apply to the RnR as well as link the handbook for you, best of luck and welcome to the server.
  11. Probably Conan The Barbarian or Becket
  12. I’m pretty sure this was an attempt to stroke your ego about your brain dead major. Come back when you aren’t in a kiddy program.
  13. gave @Sam1 that special sauce

    1. gomby


      corporal gombleson movin up in the world

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