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Everything posted by Super_Nova

  1. J A J A J A J A J A

    1. Zeuse


      Why you such a qt?

  2. how much for the supp and dms
  3. s2 dp 25 2 crater or 3 i dont remember
  4. so do we drop our sdars after more cops log on or civs die and we are no longer outnumbered? or is it like lethals how we stay lethals until the situation is deemed clear (stay with sdars in this case)
  5. https://gyazo.com/2b5cb8ce4f738f55cc64de7e7e148787

    idk how i got this, i dont even have an option to buy that skin.

    1. Outcast


      Guessing one of the old bait car skins was switched to something else.

    2. Super_Nova


      used to be a barbie, now its razer, still got the barbie option tho and no razer option

    3. NokiaStrong
  6. someone gotta rollback s1:/

  7. So listen.......it's a long video but its worth it, really gets you thinking.


    1. Blizzix


      Thanks for sharing!

    2. Edweirdo


      That video scared the shit out of me 

  8. @chino Brih and i were in school and he told me to buy a pc and play arma w/ him. i was already wanting a pc so i saved up some money and got one, first game i got was arma and he just introduced me to olympus from there.
  9. All of s2 got perm'd smh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bdj


      LMAO wouldve been so much better if u got rotor tapped

    3. SecTranLive
    4. Rexo


      Damn that man was on a mission to get away. 

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