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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Super_Nova

  1. That fact that you have 0 rep and pulled out a mar-10 with a suppressor in kavala HQ is kinda sketch
  2. Aquaman was good asf you guys should watch it

  3. How much for the commoner clothes?
  4. I wonder if the guy who posted the first status update ever got cop.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monster


      Last seen a day after he joined, i don't think he ever got cop.

    3. Super_Nova


      2 hours ago, SPBojo said:

      Not the first one.


    4. SPBojo


      7 minutes ago, Super_Nova said:


      Its not the actual first one. Its simply the current oldest still visible one.

  5. Happy birthday @Hadi Mokdad

    1. Guest


      thank you brother <3

  6. o7 @TheCmdrRex thanks for giving me a shot at APD even though i was underage, made it up to corp so far so thanks. Gl in life

  7.  ETA on skins for hunters are striders?

    1. drama


      Already in discussion my g. @Mako got the squad working on everything all at once

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