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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Based off hearsay from insiders, Arma 4 will be using DayZ's "Enfusion" engine. Aka it wont even be 100% sqf coding like Arma 3 is.
  2. Mainly this ^ Arma is a dying game but summer is usually our peak times. Regardless, all the Atlis Life servers took a hit this season, not just Olympus. With this pandemic, our summer pop came a bit earlier then anticipated, and when time came to go outside people started to prefer that over video games (understandably) Compared to other servers, I seem to believe our rule set is the easiest and probably most straight forward. Guess its personal opinion though. Arma 4 for Olympus will happen. We actually started brainstorming ideas for how we want to develop this server. yeah fuck @ThatNerdyGuy
  3. 👀3e1875a662baa7f2a58a91ea624c93e8.gif

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Cale


      add in double downing and splitting

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Medics are going to love this

    4. Tech


      @Cale Double downing is already in. Splitting won't be in the release but I do plan on it eventually.

      @swervy Donation goal said roulette, slots, blackjack. Texas hold em is fun as fuck but would probably take more hours of dev work and testing then already spent on the initial 3 games.

  4. 🙂 d955c601e0b172c0517cf667f35c03d4.gif

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Toasty


      If those goes live right now I might, and just might, log on to Arma3

    3. Deluxe


      is green 14x?

    4. Tech


      @Deluxe as of right now, yes.

  5. For those that have been asking, as of today the donation rewards page has been updated to majority of what you receive. There may be a few things that are not listed that we missed but we will be updating them overtime. Shoutout to @Noahhh! for helping us out 🙂 

  6. Ryan

    new hud

    When I tried doing this last year this is the answer I got ^_^ Would of been done by now if we took our time on it
  7. Ryan

    new hud

    Although I have always wanted to update the HUD, this one aint it chief It feels too cluttered, takes up a lot of the screen. Stuff like the donor level I feel like we can just include within the Y menu if its really necessary. A good HUD has a clean fresh look, with as little as possible on the screen. TLDR this^
  8. Happy Birthday lad 🙂 

  9. https://www.twitch.tv/olympusftw - 5Mil bounty on this man, find out who it is and you win the money. Happy hunting ^_^

  10. tfw so many of you been clicking the ads google thought we were botting it so they paused them until they investigate... SMH 🤦🏼‍♂️

    Thanks I guess lol

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Billeh
    3. Revise


      Hey it keeps showing the shoes that I want and I’m too lazy to type

    4. BillyBobJoe


      sorry refreshed a bunch cuz one of the Game of Thrones Gamer Character has Massive Bobs 


  11. Ryan


    Last I checked the reasoning behind that was different
  12. Ryan


    o7 Buddy. You know my thoughts on you stepping down on snap. Enjoy life brother, you are always someone that had my back and were a real one with me. Ill never forget it. You got my snap if anything Looking forward to another drunk stream Olympus lost 2 great staff today At the end of the day, im glad its cause they are moving on to the next part of their life
  13. Ryan


    A great staff member, and one of the few people I got tons of respect for. Enjoy life buddy, dont be a stranger
  14. o7 @SecTranLive, good luck in college homie ❤️ 

  15. o7 Buddy, do us proud in the real world
  16. Servers are back up, should have no more worries! Conquest can now be resumed if @Headless is still around for it.

  17. Servers should be back up lads

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    2. Noahhh!


      Day 2 of the server's being nuked: my entire body feels itchy, my face is scabbing up, and I've punched two holes in my bedroom wall.

      My addiction must be quenched.

  18. Currently I think its not a good idea to jump to conclusions with just a week of statistics. To reference Asylum once again, it took them months of analyzing their pop before pulling the plug. We did it as well with server 3. TLDR -1
  19. 1. Yes Arma 3 is a dying game 2. Asylum has 1 server, so naturally during peak times all their playerbase goes there. If we had 1 server we would be having the same results. 3. Quarantine in most places got lifted, so people are going outside for once. Plus certain schools are still running for another week or so. I know my state still got schools running. Id give it a week, maybe 2 tops till our pop goes back to normal. People will get tired of going outside and again come back. Summer is our peak in playerbase every year, no reason it would be any different this year.
  20. Charging back now @Rossco

    God now we got to hear @Bloodmoon fight for the other side

    Fr tho grats lads, well deserved 🙂 

    1. Kedar


      @Bloodmoon fake kick from DB 

  21. Just in monopoly? Twas an honor having you gun down the poor hopeless souls that got restrained just to meet my tank. o7 Buddy dont be a stranger
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