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Fake Grandma

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Everything posted by Fake Grandma

  1. o7 @Grego 1v1 me on medic, no balls, u won’t
  2. Unpopular opinion.


    o7 @MAV @Corps @Danger @Hadi Mokdad @KGB JOSH & the rest I’m too high to remember. Sad it came to this

  3. It was fun while it lasted <3 :(

  4. Bro, Childish, long awaited update. +1.
  5. o7 @Mercury the final coup master has fallen, no more drunken gang wars :( U shall be missed, ironfist of getting drunk at the age of 2 <3 

  6. Happy Birthday @Isaac Newton! May going to OG moonshine brew with a hummingbird towed by a hemmt live forever

    1. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      Good ol days. Thanks man

  7. @Plumber happy birthday! Remember, shoot first, arrest later! 

    1. Plumber


      Thanks my dude

  8. @Pledge o7 coupmaster
  9. No, I mean what do you mean he "got" thiccy. Was thiccy to begin with
  10. @Panda :) What do you mean "Got" thiccy?
  11. Bro, you almost weaponized your autism, that's not OK.
  12. Habibi @Hadi Mokdad congratulations.

    @Hylos You are alright 

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      I agree fuck Hylos

  13. o7 @hawk
  14. Who gave you staff meimoon!! Shaming other staff members and banning innocent people with no proof. You ruined peoples fun! 

    I wanted to write worse things in arabic, but like, im not THAT toxic. The sentence begins with kus and end in mota

  15. @Outcast I will offer you one platinum record with smack that by eminem. Das it. Ps. for all of it
  16. I put a player report in 3 minutes ago and it still hasn't been resolved. Do staff even exist?

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. N7Zero


      imagine abusing ur powers LULW

      soo mald soo bald

    3. Drippp


      Did I really just see a grown man say har har

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Major har moment 

  17. yo destruct can you check out the message i sent you 


  18. yo eggman can you read the private message i didnt send you earlier

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @KGB JOSH But I didn't send a message :/ 

      @KGB JOSH "smy" my head?


      the fuck is smy

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      shaking my yarn, OBVIOUSLY

    4. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @KGB JOSH Right right, I knew that, promise. 

  19. Bro, I got the most INSANE idea right. Its gonna sound batshit crazy. Don't exit the game. I KNOW, ITS FUCKING CRAZY!
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