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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. 70 mil
  2. my college has started up a esport varisty shit, it has hearthstone yet not counter strike? wtf

    1. Mobundo African Warlord

      Mobundo African Warlord

      Oh gosh when colleges start varsity gaming teams.. then people in high school will be like "TRYING TO GET A SCHOLARSHIP FOR PLAYING CSGO " Jesus what is this world coming to.

    2. KrispyK


      id argue esports are better than football due to physical damages from it

    3. Linka


      I actually think the pros from playing legit physical sports are much higher than playing video games lol

  3. remember when squeakers was the worst thing you could que with in pubg

    1. Savage


      Not if they good at the game 

    2. proud


      @Bow has a lot of experience with that :Kappa:

  4. homocide ur my G but...
  5. What possible reason would there be to hide information to be denied? Personal bias?
  6. Damn son it's Mr school shooter himself!!!
  7. eta on cop nerf plx

  8. nibba ur girl looks like she just walked out of hot topic why tf would we be jealous
  9. the only bad part about being a web dev major is immediately going reee when you see someones site was made in wordpress

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      "From what I have gathered..."

      Im out.... 

    3. KrispyK


      Gathered i.e looked and and people told me.

    4. Bloodmoon
  10. 9 mil its all i got feelsbadman
  11. anyone know if pubg will region lock anytime soon? i queued up for 6 roounds of squads and atlest half of my team only spoke chinese everytime.. its getting a bit ridiculous 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. arx


      i have done it at least 70 times without getting banned its more of a deterrent.

    3. KrispyK


      tho, the one thing i hate more than the chinese players on american servers is somehow getting one tapped by a shot gun in all level two.

    4. Kamikaze


      13 hours ago, KrispyKreme said:

      tho, the one thing i hate more than the chinese players on american servers is somehow getting one tapped by a shot gun in all level two.

      its even worse when u are very late in the game and some noob with a stock on his s6 cross maps u and 1 hits u when u have all level 3

  12. Why not just pay full price? I bought three yesterday
  13. If we could get information as to why we are denied, that'd be nice.
  14. anyone want to do the new raid in destiny ?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. KrispyK


      Aigh we'd need more people tho. I also have to study for finals so maybe tommarow morning?

    3. SPBojo


      Im ready most of the time 

    4. SPBojo




      i aint going in with blind people so read up fuckers

  15. bungie why..... the currently broken quickest time to kill lazer gun in destiyn 2 just got released in the shop to everyone. crucible is now broken


    1. SPBojo


      Getting nerfed next week tho!

    2. KrispyK


      crucible is currently unplayable REEEE

    3. SPBojo


      Thats a REEE i can agree on!

  16. lemme know if someone wants a gang website made for $$$ im a web dev major

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KrispyK


      pretty litty, way better than VOAS

    3. Orgondo


      @TheCmdrRex Goddamn you fucking savage


    4. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      Apply for gang at EdgyName.com

  17. ETA on me getting a life

  18. "I was rooting for you!" @RambleR



    1. KrispyK


      I still need to clip that

    2. RambleR


      May have got my head ripped off, but definitely worth it hahaha xD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. KrispyK


      @Jesse id suggest adding some more hard cover on cap, and around it on the hills. the hill is the main problem with it overlooking everything there. maybe some large walls towards the bottom of the hill someone could peak shoot from

    3. mur


      2 hours ago, Jesse said:

      I mean it's not meant to be fought from inside the house? Like I said... I'd say that the area is pretty adequate for smaller sized groups. Obviously 10 people per side will not work too hot.

      Since you're so opinionated that it is shit. What would you do to improve it or where would you feel a better location is... Since everyone seems to bitch about every location made. Yet no one can offer an idea of where or how to better improve it. Then it's constantly "Give us new places to fight". Then complaining about the new places to fight being shit. No one offers a constructive piece what so ever.

      the cap is fine, he just doesn't know how to play the cap right. 

    4. sin


      It’s fun to roach.

  19. KrispyK

    Selling Hunter

    il pay 500k fam
  20. It's a meme dumbass
  21. Last I paid for 3 titans was 300k.
  22. 111
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