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Everything posted by Mighty

  1. Do any of you have any good audio files you'd be willing to share? Just got a soundboard.

  2. Mighty


  3. When are we gonna be able to buy heli pads lol

    1. Mako
    2. SPBojo


      This is something that has been mentioned countless times and will ALWAYS be shut down. This is never going to happen.

    3. reedallen315
  4. By any chance will the comp request from server rollback be processed sooner than normal or are we gonna have to wait three or more weeks like normal? @Peter Long

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JAMIE


      Please be patient, there are currently 128 requests and it will take some time but I will sit down and do as many as I can tonight and tomorrow

    3. Mako


      Please be patient, nice person

    4. Mighty


      Props to whoever helped with comp tickets last night. over 100 compensation done already @Kyle Lake @Jamie

  5. My buddy and I were doing plane runs all night to see if it was worth it or not. It's not bad money but kinda expected a little more. It would be nice to get a little more with workers protection because it is a legal run. Other than that great new run!
  6. Do you get more money on the plane missions if you use more expensive planes?
  7. +1 on this. this should not have been added...
  8. how does the Easter egg hunt work?
  9. Big ass sign??
  10. For the most profit per hour only toss out glass and lockpicks. If your going to do salvage a lot you should look into a house buy the sell to store moonshine/rob people.
  11. Your telling me when i bought a shit load of quilins on cop right before the price jumped now went poof. :'(
  12. Can you guys through some recommendations on wireless headsets at me please. Really need a new headset. Thanks

  13. +1
  14. Do any of you plan on playing scum? I hear mixed reviews on it.

  15. @Homicide i like hoping on the forums and looking at status updates. I don't wanna see 3 of the 4 slots filled up with your fucking stream...


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      Agreed especially if it’s gta which no one cares about 

    3. Homicide


      I mean alot of people care but yea i was told to put it in the forums ill try and not do as much in the future No need to be an asshole @Caleb Snackbar

    4. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      5 minutes ago, Homicide said:

      I mean alot of people care but yea i was told to put it in the forums ill try and not do as much in the future No need to be an asshole @Caleb Snackbar

      I don’t really care much I just think if you are gonna stream gta you should post it on a GTA forums not a arma forums 


    1. platinumfire


      i will be getting this played it at Pax east and shit was so fun its like arma in its controls i was 15-0 in a 5v5 match was hilarious.

  17. Buckie for junior support team
  18. Congrats @hawk! @Julian you never be forgotten <3

    1. hawk


      thank you m8

  19. How’s Malden? I’ve been on vacation.

    1. NokiaStrong


      At first it seemed dead after hype but I saw like 40 people on today which is a huge improvement. 

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