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LULA 2022 - PT 13

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Everything posted by LULA 2022 - PT 13

  1. While it would be awesome the only way to do this in vanilla would be a Frankenstein pushbar using attach to command. And given how ArmA performs it would probably cause more issues than fixes. Hopefully ArmA 4 has a developed civ faction and better vehicle and collision physics.
  2. QZZYT7h.jpg

    Deadass at the beginning of the year my guidance counselor made us write these "future me" letters to ourselves that would be delivered after we graduated, mine was a bunch of memes and goals and with the exception of graduating high school, I have failed every single one of them, feelsbad.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gravity


      i never got mine cuz im a dropout bum

    3. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      How the fuck don’t you graduate hs

    4. Gravity
  3. Didn't know you too well but always love arguing with you over dumb shit on the PD forums, I also remember you being a fun dude the few times we played together. Fair wind and following seas
  4. Such dude


    I'm at my grad party and shitfaced so please ignore stupid shit I post throughout the night, I love you all and I apologize for inconveniendes.



    Now Ima @ some people I've enjoyed throughout my high school journey


    @ThatNerdyGuy ngl you're one of the few current SAPD I trust, I know we're not that close but I like you and hope you do good in life, I also swear this isn't a dicksuck thing since I dislike most of the APD


    @Dantethank you for giving me so may second chances, I know I wasted them but you're a good guy and I'm grateful to you for believing in me.


    @TheCmdrRex you were my favorite chief and I am truly thankful for how you took my ideas and the ones of other japd into consideration, you and Dante showed me some SAPD can be good people, ur still my favorite chef


    @21Cabbage ur my arms bro, thanks for being my toxic ass bud tnrpuhj high school.



    @Scribble I've always respected you and I think you're a good dude overall, never change.



    I love y'all.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jimmy Jarvis

      Jimmy Jarvis

      this guy be sitting at the nightclub shit faced and he thinks let me go on https://olympus-entertainment.com/ and make a status update saying thanks to a bunch of online guys 


    3. Drippp


      Dear god you are the most cringe kid ever

    4. Gaetano


      I have given this child life

  5. We still have @Blizzix and @DashTonic and the newest addition to the team @Phunky does this as his day job with years of experience in game development. We're in very good hands.
  6. Keep talking like that and I just might boonk gang ur virginity.
  7. Bolivarian People's Police coming 2020
  8. He somehow fucked up a server that never went live, he was toxic and this suprises almost no one.
  9. Didn't you warn me for calling someone a cunt? Rules for thee not for me I guess
  10. To clarify this when does the timer start? will time waiting for a inactive scene to clear or transporting someone affect this?
  11. That's a Yikes from me dog.
  12. It's still one of the stupidest things I've heard. even IRL if an officer fucks up they can't face criminal liability unless they have actually broken a law, breaking departmental SOPs only will open you up for internal action and a civil suit. The reason civs get banned is because it's the fairest and quickest way of making sure someone is punished, the SAPD and SRnR have a toolbox with everything from counseling to blacklist and bans have no place in there especially considering ripping a whitelist has no effect. If a medic or cop keep repeatedly breaking faction rules demote them or blacklist them if it's bad enough since it's not a right to play cop or medic. This blurs the line between server staff and faction admin too close for comfort, I guran-fucking-tee it's going to be abused at some point in the future and it puts undue stress on cops and medics when they already need to follow a second rulebook. If someone keeps breaking faction rules use you discipline tools and unless they broke server rules just remove their whitelist and "ban" them from the faction.
  13. Civ is once in a blue moon but every week I'll put around 6 hours on cop, I actually have a life and have better things to do than play 3 hours of arma a day.
  14. I use them to flex on poors
  15. Having handbook changes be looked over at staff meetings is a bad idea since a lot of changes just change wording, update rules or deal with internal matters where other input is unnecessary. I think cops and civs have become too polarized, most civs, especially council members refuse to acknowledge life as a lower ranking cop sucks and will fight tooth and nail against anything less than a nerf while the APD acts like civs are just bad and ignore their inherent advantages and parts that may make us OP. I think a maybe solution would be cross organization liaisons, a pair of civ and medic liaisons get to sit in on non-confidential parts of APD meetings and the APD sends liaisons to the civ council and RnR to represent their concerns. I've though of a civilian oversight org but tbh if it turns anything like the civ council member wise it would just push everyone off.
  16. Dude the process works tho, if you're absolutely braindead you probably won't get to the 150 hour mark. We're hurting for bodies a lot of the time and this just proves the staffing issues the APD has, the server has over 20k unique players every month but only 250 police officers with no more than 40 ish over 3 servers on a busy night. Could the APD make apps harder and more narrative based? Sure. But if we make getting the title harder and making testing more stringent then deputies need to actually get decent training on the job and PO should be guaranteed like medic.
  17. We don't use all of our resources because when we do it becomes "cops are OP!?!?!??!" and everyone comes crying about a nerf. The "APD OP" stuff didn't happen when I first joined 2 years ago because we didn't have an active SAPD and unless you have a few Sgts or above together the APD is extremely underpowered. Yesterday we did a jail where there were 3 dudes vs 4 cops and we couldn't even get across the bridge let alone get decent hits in. I saw a gang with 16 people spend hours doing fed events and terror and we were powerless. The APD is nowhere near OP and at all times except high pop hours on friday and Saturday you'll generally have 8 or less officers with 1 or 2 Corps max on a server. The APD is underpowered and honestly sucks for deps and POs but whenever measures are proposed that would reduce that gap and even the fight we become OP. If anything civs need a nerf because I've played 5 hours this weekend and have been outgunned and undermanned the entire time.
  18. You should teach yourself and try, it looks daunting but when you scrape all the BS off it's not that hard. I had to take 1 semester of photoshop and one of AI, I forgot how most of PS works so I just make my stuff in AI. If you're willing to put in the time and go through trial and error it's pretty worthwhile.
  19. Ima bite his dick off Atop breathing you turd.
  20. Let me see your shit then mongoloid
  21. Idk if the rules changed but last time I was interested in a designer position I was told not to apply because I do freelance work and paid projects for other servers. If this hasn't changed you're effectively asked to do high level work for no pay, no exterior incentives and give up any side gigs you may have.
  22. Say your minimum price instead of this "dem only" shit.
  23. @Phunky @TheCmdrRex The new anti cheat is super aggressive, sometimes when I access my garage I get kicked for "script restriction 2" and when cops escort sometimes we get kicked for "script restriction 17"
  24. Blame @Ares for being an uninvolved owner or your civ reps who promise unreasonable goals with no developer input. We have a few freelancers and a professional dev working on staff, they're unpaid and have to optimize the game, deal with hackers and database issues and put out updates simultaneously and for literally tons of work they receive zero IRL compensation unlike the devs on servers like Asylum. This mindset that devs owe donors the rewards they didn't promise is toxic asf and makes our turnover and burnout rate astronomical, just last night I spent 3 hours talking to a dev who's already considering leaving this server due to how much toxicity comes from OS and the community and giant goals on a time crunch. If you want to blame someone blame senior civ council and senior OS, but until we start paying them and offering a competitive rate leave them out of the drama.
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