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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Kurt

  1. Hello everyone, With classes starting to pick up as I approach the second half of grad school, I have made the decision to step down from the development team. It has been a little over a year since I joined staff doing development work here at Olympus and I have enjoyed every second of it. Thank you for allowing me to create content for you guys and I wish you all the best. Signing out. -Kurt
  2. Limited Time Features (Ends 12/2/18): 20% discount for Weapon shops (Gun store, Black Market, Rebel Weapon shop) Added: VIP $50+ Donator Tier: APD Black US Cap Blue Beanie IDAP White Ht Ear Protectors White Ear Protectors Black Medic TBD Civ MX-SW Green Camo MXM Geen Camo MX Green Camo VIP $100+ Donator Tier: APD Bandana Sport Mask Bandana Beast Mask Bandana Shades Mask Blue Beret (Patrol Officer+) Headset White Headset Black Long Sleeve Uniform (Patrol Officer+) Medic TBD Added MX-SW to Rebel Shop + Warpoint Shop (We're aware that the MXSW spawns with a bipod, any players caught duping this item instead of purchasing the bipod through the Rebel Weapon Shops will be dealt with accordingly) Added Bipods to Rebel Shops for 10K Added MXM to Rebel Shop + Warpoint Shop Added MX to Rebel Shop Added MK18 to Warpoint Shop Three New Warpoint Ghillies Receive Medical Assistance from a Vigilante Outpost Gaining a misuse of emergency service charge will result in you being delayed for 15 minutes before being able to text the APD again Strider + Hunter now purchasable from Rebel Outposts Staff members can now access admin panel through their admin panel hotkey while in restraints Garages where Taxi Garages used to be Changed: When sending a combat logger to jail, it will now display in the chat their Player Name followed by their PlayerID to help with reports Tac Vests reduced to 10k from 25k Deck Crew Vests reduced from 30k to 20k Vigilantes can no longer capture cartels BW loot drop %'s modified Striders price reduced to $550k from $600k Additional logging for drug dealers Warpoint values adjusted All processors for legal and illegal items are remodeled Removed spawning at houses in redzones (inventory still able to be accessed) Fixed: FTO Training Island Strider FTO Training Island Anti Air can now be repaired Type-115 yielding max warpoint weight Vehicle unlock speed should now be improved for both purchasing and pulling owned vehicles Exploit to bypass the HQ timer in Kavala Removed: Bandana Sport Mask from sAPD shop Bandana Beast Mask from sAPD shop Bandana Black Mask from sAPD shop Bandana Shades Mask from sAPD shop Removed all unarmed vehicles from BW loot table Removed .50 Cal from BW loot table Bipods from Warpoint shops Hotfix #1 Event vehicles & admin spawned vehicles no longer spawn in weapons and magazines in their trunks Anti Air bug fixed Training island Strider fixed Bipods changed from 1k to 10k in rebel shop Warpoint shop MK-18 magazines / ASP magazines now have the correct magazine type displayed Bug with claiming crafted vehicles Removed a taxi map marker that got left behind Fixed the APD training island strider Fixed the salt flats garage not spawning vehicles in the proper location Increased the overall value of loot spawned at the blackwater outpost Donator Beret (for APD) is now changed from Patrol Officer+ to Corporal+ Fixed an exploit with the war point clothing shop Changed loot weights for blackwater item spawning As always if a bug is found please submit it to the tracker. Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.
  3. In 10 simulated blackwaters the following loot spawned (1 vehicle for each BW):

    6 - Armed Qilin
    3 - Armed Huron
    1 - AT Offroad

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      Let's go! Thank you for the great work!

    3. NokiaStrong


      Thank you Kurt, Very cool!

    4. DeadPool


      52 minutes ago, ikiled said:

      Already done 2 gotten armed quins dms and mar 10 

  4. Goodbye Dili. It was fun while it lasted! Best of luck with everything my guy!
  5. Changelog has been updated to reflect the hotfix

    1. -dante-


      Stealth bala, the Zubr being usable, and armed huron. One of the most exciting hot fixes ever :wub:

    2. Ronin


      thank you for finally putting in stealth bala... and it's teargas proof!

  6. Due to popular demand I will add the stealth balaclavas in the hotfix :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tyrone


      There will be the ones without the goggles like these too right? these ones are the sexiest ;) 


    3. Kurt


      Yes I added all four variants, the green/black with and without goggles.

    4. dog:)


      Add mk18 to warpoint shop aswell

  7. We comped everyone for the qilins and prowlers we removed.
  8. Lmao apparently it actually was supposed to be armed I had no idea... will be changed if we hotfix in a few days time
  9. Unarmed
  10. Added: HQ Takeovers APD members that die in an HQ will have to wait additional time to respawn at that same HQ Additional time is 10s for every death at that HQ up to a maximum of 1 min. Increased spawn timer resets after 5 minutes from last HQ death (specific to the HQ you died in) Ability to respawn or abort to lobby delayed for 3 minutes since last HQ death Medics can now use the "Get Out" hotkey for using their medic "Exit" action New medic vehicle(s): Qilin - Basic Paramedic+ Taru Repair - S&R+ Hunter - Supervisor+ New APD vehicle(s): Huron - Dep. Chief+ New clothing/weapons/attachments at rebel outposts: Heli Crew Helmet (CSAT) for $15,000 Heli Crew Helmet (AAF) for $15,000 Pilot Helmet (NATO) for $15,000 Pilot Helmet (AAF) for $15,000 Officer Fatigues (Hex) for $1,000 (Removed from Warpoint Clothing Shop) Officer Fatigues (Green Hex) for $1,000 (Removed from Warpoint Clothing Shop) CMR-76 6.5mm (Hex) for $75,000 5.56 suppressor for 50 warpoints 5.8 stealth sound suppressor for 50 warpoints 6.5 stealth sound suppressor for 50 warpoints New uniform/backpack skins sAPD uniform texture Bape Wetsuit texture Rebel skin has been altered to be more festive Red rebel fatigues Black CSAT Fatigues (Rebel Warpoint Shop) Kitbag (Black) Carryall Backpack (Black) Invisible Kitbag (APD and civilians) Wetsuit uniform for the gang wars winners (The Inactives) Texture applied on the Wetsuit (AAF) All can buy the uniform, however texture will only apply if the player was one of the gang members that competed during gang wars All uniforms available at civilian clothing shops are now accessible at all rebel clothing shops New weapon skins for donors: Hex colored Type 115 at the M.V.P level and up Hex colored CMR-76 at the M.V.P level and up Cop kills on warzone island will reward 2 warpoints per kill A few map markers in cities that display the location of an ATM (green house icon) Black NVGs for RnR rank 5+ (Supervisor) Changed: Charges listed in the "Add Charge" menu for the APD are now listed alphabetically APD training island has been given a makeover APD pricing on certain weapons: MX from $35,000 to $65,000 Spar-16 from $30,000 to $50,000 MX GL from $40,000 to $65,000 MXM from $40,000 to $85,000 Spar-16 from $30,000 to $50,000 Type 115 from $50,000 to $80,000 CMR from $50,000 to $75,000 Mk-1 from $45,000 to $125,000 MAR-10 from $45,000 to $130,000 Spar-17 from $30,000 to $110,000 Rebel pricing on certain weapons: Mk-1 from $135,000 to $125,000 Spar-17 from $120,000 to $110,000 Mk-18 from $120,000 to $100,000 Rahim from $100,000 to $90,000 Type-115 from $70,000 to $80,000 Ak-12 from $135,000 to $95,000 Bi-pod from 10 warpoints to 3 warpoints Vehicle pricing on Zamak trucks: Zamak Covered from $375,000 to $250,000 Zamak Fuel from $325,000 to $225,000 Zamak Transport from $275,000 to $200,000 Tempest Covered and Transport added to all truck shops in addition to the rebel vehicle shop Zubr .45 removed from rebel shop and added to APD weapon shop as a taser for all ranks RnR rank 3+ (Adv. Paramedic) can now impound vehicles using the windows key Orca now available for RnR rank 3+ (Adv. Paramedic) Ground garage can now be accessed at the Kavala air garage NPC Reduced the amount of time required to get a targets name through binos/rangefinders/titan scope in half for infantry/vehicles Donor orca and ifrit skins have been rotated as usual Gangwars billboard has been updated to reflect the new winners Fixed: Certain vests have been added to the rebel outpost that disappeared in a previous update Illegal NVGs can now be seized by APD members Lights for the APD un-armed plane now follow the plane Total weight on your HUD should now display the correct amount when transferring backpacks APD can now send people to jail at the Blackwater Outpost once again (cannot send to jail if there is an active blackwater robbery) Magazines do not magically disappear when entering/leaving the server Civilians - Ammo that was loaded into a primary/secondary/handgun that could not fit into your inventory is dropped on the ground (you cannot load magazines directly into a weapon, they must first be in your inventory) Note: before this, ammunition was just being deleted! i.e. No clothing with a titan loaded with a rocket > Switch servers > On load in the titan rocket will be on the ground Issue with cartels not generating funds from tax on drugs sold Issue with WPL not generating bonus funds from selling legal goods Exploit regarding the housing inventories APD/Medics not being able to open checkpoint gates Adv. Paramedic uniform has been restored to its original form, and the Search and Rescue uniform has been updated CSAT pilot coveralls from blackwater can now be seized by APD Removed: Everything taxi related APD Vehicle(s): Hellcat RNR Vehicle(s): Quadbike Hemtt Sport hatchback ALL qilins and prowlers from the APD and civilians. RNR impound, hiring and fee signs around the map HOTFIX 1: New housing menu added The features "List House for Sale" and "View Key Holders" are greyed out for now and will come at a later date Added black/green stealth balaclavas to rebel outposts (APD rank 4+ (Sgt.) only have access to the black pair) Added two new black and urban full ghillie suits APD Armed Huron for rank 6+ (Dep. Chief) APD Unarmed Huron for rank 5+ (Lt.) Fixed issue with BE kicking on pharma. vehicle sell Fixed an issue where the Zubr was being deleted in your inventory on cop Fixed an issue where players had the option to send a message to "Event Part" Redgull can now be used while escorting APD Armed jeep can now be insured Fixed an issue with double arrest actions being able to be performed Reduced the price on the cop NATO beret Removed the support team uniform Insurance can now be purchased for all illegal ground vehicles As always if a bug is found please submit it to the tracker. Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.
  11. Changelog has been updated with a bunch of new things that were missed.

  12. https://gyazo.com/2037aa3c9c4463d56e1744bb0407cf97

    -Combat stance when revived
    -No more lost magazines/titan rockets
    -No more gun glitching

    Credit to @Jesse for the wonderful idea. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DeadPool
    3. NokiaStrong


      What about someone falling?

      do they still get gun glitched 

    4. kev
  13. Added: Vehicle Crafting Gathering at certain resources will now provide the random chance of getting a special item that can be used towards crafting Use any of the 3 npcs around the map to refine your gathered items into crafting parts Use crafting parts to craft yourself a vehicle, it will spawn out on the spawn and you'll obtain keys to the vehicle At this time currently none of the crafting components are illegal Crafted vehicles will immediately contribute to your max vehicle garage count Note: More vehicles to come soon as well as other new collectible materials available at certain locations Titles View progress towards titles in the new y-menu option APD rank titles can only be used while on cop Send in recommendations for titles and goals, we will be adding new titles in the near future! APD can seal the BW crates Use windows key on BW crates to seal the crates shut Can verify them being sealed by attempting again or pressing I on the container. Earplugs HUD icon New event area on the salt flats for event hosting Changed: Vehicle ammo can now be used on the LIM Jeep Sofia HQ air spawn will now face proper Added some additional logging APD now gets a bit more money for seizing of secondary processed drug items Secondary processed drugs will now take substantially less time to process Only civilians can open the BW crates inventory Removed all forms of "keychain" exploiting Normal "give" dialogs for cash, items, and keys will now only work for group members. For all others, press windows key to open a giving dialog. Fixed: Taking a weapon magazine from the new inventory system will place it in the weapon View distance inside of Blackfish cargo positions fixed Roadkits can no longer be used in combat or inside vehicles Some undefined variables and stuff Removed: Some unused stuff
  14. The crafting will come probably Friday of this week. Just had some stuff we had to figure out that was a bit more complicated than originally thought. - REMEMBER - with the new inventory system, etc., if it's too good to be true it's probably not intended and you should report what you've found. Please report any and all issues with the new systems directly via PM to Kurt & I. Thank you. Added: Redesigned house inventory storage Physical/Virtual items now accessed via 'T' menu All crates have been removed from the game, all gear has been transferred to the houses' virtual menu Physical trunk upgrades are now separate from virtual trunk upgrades Anyone who had crates got automatically compensated $150,000 per crate via our transfer system House searching system Visit your local Realtor located in any of the major cities to browse vacant houses in a remote area Ability to view house details such as max virtual/physical inventory Two new vehicles added to the servers available vehicles The Tanoa Jeep offroad with a LIM has been added to a rebel shop near you The Offroad Anti-Tank has been added to the Blackwater loot table Zafir has been added to the Blackwater loot table Magazines will be sold at the warpoint shop Roadkits will now be available for Corporal+ Access via Y menu Select desired item and hit the windows key to confirm placement Use the window key to pick up equipment when finished APD now has access to a blue respirator which will act as a teargas mask An optional ability to animate doors on specific vehicles when locking/unlocking them Able to be enabled/disabled from the Settings tab in the y menu (off by default). An additional confirmation menu when purchasing vehicles/clothing which requires un-owned DLC Vehicle Interaction menus (win key menu) now has the ability for you to force yourself into the driver seat of vehicles you don't have the DLC for. APD/RnR/Civilian all have the ability The vehicle must be unlocked, not broken beyond repair, and not have anyone already in the driver seat Note - Scroll wheel will still not work and prompt you to purchase Bohemias DLC (we recommend you purchase it to remove the ads they litter you with). Confirmation menu for cops searching vehicles Gang member's names in the y-menu will now update every server restart Show off your Takwando skills with Shift+8 New savable Y-Menu setting option to toggle Lottery Notifications Option to add timestamp to map markers Timestamp will be in "minutes until restart" for ease of reading Added an additional stage of processing to Frog, Heroin, Weed, Cocaine, and Mushroom. Simply process once and scroll for another process option These drugs will always sell at 25% extra of whatever type you're doing Portions of these drugs will go to cartel owners, so cap them cartels for $$! New images will be added with next update Added 3 new goldbar traders across the map Old NPCs that use to accept gold will no longer be accepting Goldbars Changed: Houses will now expire after 45 days of not interacting with them instead of 60 All illegal items got a buff in sell price New Neochori & Kavala Vigilante Outpost design New Sofia APD HQ design Blackwater & Warpoint Changes RPG Launcher removed from war point shop to Blackwater exclusive - RPG ammunition still sold at war point shop Mar-10 removed from war point shop to Blackwater exclusive - Mar-10 ammunition still sold at war point shop Each Blackwater crate now spawns an additional two Pilot Coveralls on top of the current loot table Mod Shops at gas stations now have a repair vehicle only option. At this time it's a complimentary repair. Salvage sale prices have been slightly reduced to be more in-line with other legal runs APD 911 calls now update locations if another 911 call is made by the same player Time since request on the dispatch menu and map for medics will show the time since the player first requested medic (no longer resets after subsequent requests) APD lethal money cap reduced to $200,000 from $600,000 APD money earned from arrests reduced by 10% "Put in Car" will now select vehicles of the player's own faction before others. Vigilantes will now receive an arrest towards their vigilante tier for sending a suspect's bones they tased/restrained to jail Weight of jail charges has been halved. So you should spend less time in jail for petty crime. Excavating can only be done at a few select locations on the map now, they're marked with a purple boat icon. You can now windows key revive a player with a Epipen or if you want to you can use the Y-menu still Gang member names will now update quite frequently to have their most current name in your Y-menu roster You can hover over a name to get their playerid. Some optimizations Now if a vigilante goes to jail he/she will only drop down a rank of vigilante May get removed depending on if it's showing undesirable results Fixed: Medic Ambulance texture fixed Tasing timer should no longer reset when a tased player is pulled out of a vehicle The ability to terminate the escort mission should not show up after the vehicles have spawned. View distances should now update properly when you get in to and out of vehicles. (Please post feedback on the tracker if this is not the case). When winning the lottery you shouldn't lose your money anymore. Submarines will no longer have the ability to upgrade turbo at mod shops Support uniform removed from public use (should be at least) Support team can now use rank 2 for white-listing abilities. Removed: Some unused code, files, and stuff Hotfix #1: Houses will now only cost $150,000 per physical upgrade (those who spent money on upgrades have received some compensation directly to their bank accounts) Physical storage upgrades will now upgrade by 150 instead of 100 (already purchased storage has been adjusted) (applies to gang sheds as well) Vigilante arrests will now properly set on the player when sending someone to jail Turtles can now be harvested once again APD can now EpiPen each other with windows key as well The new double process drugs have received some new icons Oil upgrade cost will properly display now If for some reason your housing weight becomes skewed it should automatically fix itself APD dispatches will now appear properly Item dupe fixed Hotfix #2: Apd will now detect when illegal second processed drugs are in a vehicle Houses that didn't have any physical storage has been fixed and your homes will now have storage as proper.
  15. Which one though?

  16. Open to suggestions. I, too, am not entirely pleased with how it functions at the moment. Definitely needs some tuning so feedback is welcome.
  17. According to Bohemia the bug with 64-bit has been resolved as of a couple hours ago.  Let us know if you are still experiencing problems in game.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Gerzbek
    3. Mercury


      Yeah Kurt...cause Bohemia has been known for their stellar updates and telling the "truth"

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Name a single time Bohemia broke something with an update.  I'll wait.

  18. Kurt


    I’ll miss you bud, goodluck with everything. o7
  19. Poker tournament delayed 20 minutes if you're not here by then you lose your buyin.  We have a room in TS under Olympus Events, poke me for the password.

    1. Pickstarr


      Y'all should really come it's gonna be a fun

  20. Deadline for Poker buy-in extended to noon EST tomorrow.  Tournament will be up soon on PokerStars for those who already bought in.  Reminder the tournament starts Sunday at noon! 

  21. Cop stings and vigi stings are separated by class name so cop stings will always taze and vigi stings will only taze if you have the proper rank. Looking into making some sort of identifier for each in the future.
  22. For those confused about the spar 16, the black (cop) one will ALWAYS taze, the khaki (WPL) one will ALWAYS lethal, and the sand (vigi) one will taze if your a tier 3 vigi and lethal otherwise.
  23. Added: Donation Goal: Purchasable Striders from Rebel (Illegal) (Temporary) 15% discount on gang shed purchases & upgrades (Temporary) 15% discount on house purchases & upgrades (Temporary) Magazine Repacking (Perm) Use CTRL + R to repack your magazines Vigilante Overhaul Tier-based system unlocks new armor and firearms as you progress Tier 0: 0 arrests PO7 9mm Weak Vigilante vest 40% payout on bounties Tier 1: 5 arrests Sting 9mm Vigilante vest 60% payout on bounties Tier 2: 25 arrests Spar 16 5.56mm 90% payout on bounties Progress is lost if you are arrested, your license is taken away, or you buy a rebel license Vigilante license costs double if you own a rebel license All vigilante weapons will lethal if you are not the proper tier APD Training Dome at Pyrgos Corporals+ will have the option to lock/unlock via windows key on the dome Will not be able to lock the dome if civilians are near. (Does not auto-unlock if dome is already locked and civilians walk near it) Corporals+ will now have the ability to pardon individual charges Using the pardon button while selected on a specific charge will prompt a confirmation menu to remove one count of that charge Pardoning in full will work the same way as before (just don't be selected on any charges) and will now prompt a confirmation menu APD Armed Planes now have sirens Civ's will now have to perform a "Repair Doors" action on the house (through the windows key menu), when the APD raids their house, to be able to lock it again The APD will also be able to lock up the house (quicker) through a windows key option Ability to remove individual permanent house key holders Access in the 'Manage Keys' tab when interacting with your house "Deposit All" option for gang funds Changed: R&R will now get $100 for repairing environmental objects Moved around several illegal zones to better promote illegal runs Rangefinders can now be bought from normals stores and will no longer be seized by the APD Courthouse: Added progress bar (speed based on bounty amount) Will not work if a person has: Any federal event charge Hostage situation Escaping jail Kidnapping Gov Offical LEO manslaughter Will not work if there are cops nearby (10 meters) V-44X Blackfish price lowered by around 90% Vehicle Transport: $6,300,000 to $750,000 Infantry Transport: $6,700,000 to $800,000 Players' names in your group that you are at war with will no longer appear red (changes after you leave the group). Optimized SEVERAL server side files (Client to come later) to boost FPS/CPS performance Some things may be broken, if you experience issues please post on this thread and we'll resolve as quickly as possible Fixed: Bug regarding killing/tazing/restraining someone while they are chopping/claiming a vehicle Bug with bones not disappearing Players that lockpick a vehicle will not appear on the registration list NLR marker will no longer appear if you die on warzone island Bug where contraband could not be picked if you canceled the animation Cop actions related exploit Cops can no longer collect salvage Fixed chop shop logging data Fixed a potential server lag culprit Removed: M900 from APD Hotfix #1: Blackmarket near Pygros now has walls Moonshine distributor has his own un-purchasable home Whitelisted something in cop gear check script Training dome fixed I suppose
  24. A little over a week left to buy in for the Olympus Poker Tournament.  Details here:



    1. J O E

      J O E

      Update first, poker later...

    2. ScreaM


      2 hours ago, J O E said:

      Update first, poker later...

      no poker is always first 

    3. bigSMOKE


      4 hours ago, ScreaM said:

      no poker is always first 


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