HQ Takeovers
APD members that die in an HQ will have to wait additional time to respawn at that same HQ
Additional time is 10s for every death at that HQ up to a maximum of 1 min.
Increased spawn timer resets after 5 minutes from last HQ death (specific to the HQ you died in)
Ability to respawn or abort to lobby delayed for 3 minutes since last HQ death
Medics can now use the "Get Out" hotkey for using their medic "Exit" action
New medic vehicle(s):
Qilin - Basic Paramedic+
Taru Repair - S&R+
Hunter - Supervisor+
New APD vehicle(s):
Huron - Dep. Chief+
New clothing/weapons/attachments at rebel outposts:
Heli Crew Helmet (CSAT) for $15,000
Heli Crew Helmet (AAF) for $15,000
Pilot Helmet (NATO) for $15,000
Pilot Helmet (AAF) for $15,000
Officer Fatigues (Hex) for $1,000 (Removed from Warpoint Clothing Shop)
Officer Fatigues (Green Hex) for $1,000 (Removed from Warpoint Clothing Shop)
CMR-76 6.5mm (Hex) for $75,000
5.56 suppressor for 50 warpoints
5.8 stealth sound suppressor for 50 warpoints
6.5 stealth sound suppressor for 50 warpoints
New uniform/backpack skins
sAPD uniform texture
Bape Wetsuit texture
Rebel skin has been altered to be more festive
Red rebel fatigues
Black CSAT Fatigues (Rebel Warpoint Shop)
Kitbag (Black)
Carryall Backpack (Black)
Invisible Kitbag (APD and civilians)
Wetsuit uniform for the gang wars winners (The Inactives)
Texture applied on the Wetsuit (AAF)
All can buy the uniform, however texture will only apply if the player was one of the gang members that competed during gang wars
All uniforms available at civilian clothing shops are now accessible at all rebel clothing shops
New weapon skins for donors:
Hex colored Type 115 at the M.V.P level and up
Hex colored CMR-76 at the M.V.P level and up
Cop kills on warzone island will reward 2 warpoints per kill
A few map markers in cities that display the location of an ATM (green house icon)
Black NVGs for RnR rank 5+ (Supervisor)
Charges listed in the "Add Charge" menu for the APD are now listed alphabetically
APD training island has been given a makeover
APD pricing on certain weapons:
MX from $35,000 to $65,000
Spar-16 from $30,000 to $50,000
MX GL from $40,000 to $65,000
MXM from $40,000 to $85,000
Spar-16 from $30,000 to $50,000
Type 115 from $50,000 to $80,000
CMR from $50,000 to $75,000
Mk-1 from $45,000 to $125,000
MAR-10 from $45,000 to $130,000
Spar-17 from $30,000 to $110,000
Rebel pricing on certain weapons:
Mk-1 from $135,000 to $125,000
Spar-17 from $120,000 to $110,000
Mk-18 from $120,000 to $100,000
Rahim from $100,000 to $90,000
Type-115 from $70,000 to $80,000
Ak-12 from $135,000 to $95,000
Bi-pod from 10 warpoints to 3 warpoints
Vehicle pricing on Zamak trucks:
Zamak Covered from $375,000 to $250,000
Zamak Fuel from $325,000 to $225,000
Zamak Transport from $275,000 to $200,000
Tempest Covered and Transport added to all truck shops in addition to the rebel vehicle shop
Zubr .45 removed from rebel shop and added to APD weapon shop as a taser for all ranks
RnR rank 3+ (Adv. Paramedic) can now impound vehicles using the windows key
Orca now available for RnR rank 3+ (Adv. Paramedic)
Ground garage can now be accessed at the Kavala air garage NPC
Reduced the amount of time required to get a targets name through binos/rangefinders/titan scope in half for infantry/vehicles
Donor orca and ifrit skins have been rotated as usual
Gangwars billboard has been updated to reflect the new winners
Certain vests have been added to the rebel outpost that disappeared in a previous update
Illegal NVGs can now be seized by APD members
Lights for the APD un-armed plane now follow the plane
Total weight on your HUD should now display the correct amount when transferring backpacks
APD can now send people to jail at the Blackwater Outpost once again (cannot send to jail if there is an active blackwater robbery)
Magazines do not magically disappear when entering/leaving the server
Civilians - Ammo that was loaded into a primary/secondary/handgun that could not fit into your inventory is dropped on the ground (you cannot load magazines directly into a weapon, they must first be in your inventory) Note: before this, ammunition was just being deleted!
i.e. No clothing with a titan loaded with a rocket > Switch servers > On load in the titan rocket will be on the ground
Issue with cartels not generating funds from tax on drugs sold
Issue with WPL not generating bonus funds from selling legal goods
Exploit regarding the housing inventories
APD/Medics not being able to open checkpoint gates
Adv. Paramedic uniform has been restored to its original form, and the Search and Rescue uniform has been updated
CSAT pilot coveralls from blackwater can now be seized by APD
Everything taxi related
APD Vehicle(s):
RNR Vehicle(s):
Sport hatchback
ALL qilins and prowlers from the APD and civilians.
RNR impound, hiring and fee signs around the map
New housing menu added
The features "List House for Sale" and "View Key Holders" are greyed out for now and will come at a later date
Added black/green stealth balaclavas to rebel outposts (APD rank 4+ (Sgt.) only have access to the black pair)
Added two new black and urban full ghillie suits
APD Armed Huron for rank 6+ (Dep. Chief)
APD Unarmed Huron for rank 5+ (Lt.)
Fixed issue with BE kicking on pharma. vehicle sell
Fixed an issue where the Zubr was being deleted in your inventory on cop
Fixed an issue where players had the option to send a message to "Event Part"
Redgull can now be used while escorting
APD Armed jeep can now be insured
Fixed an issue with double arrest actions being able to be performed
Reduced the price on the cop NATO beret
Removed the support team uniform
Insurance can now be purchased for all illegal ground vehicles
As always if a bug is found please submit it to the tracker. Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.