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Everything posted by thor

  1. congrats @hawk :wub: knew it would happen

  2. Wtf are those Gang Wars Requirements lol

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      @Ryan What I figured. Thanks for clarification

    3. NokiaStrong


      Not to mention you can get an exception

    4. silton


      38 minutes ago, Ryan said:

      These requirements were made to prevent completely random gangs to form just to fuck up the gang wars. If some Asylum gang decides to come to Olympus just for gang wars, just to screw over everyone else, take the winning funds and never play again it would be absolutely scuffed. With these requirements, you need to pretty much be actual players of Olympus, and actually have valuable time here to participate, otherwise their participation isnt needed.

      Inb4 the gang war is rocked by prime and ti then they go back to asylum. Zzzzzzz

  3. Yikes, Them requirements are actually fucking retarded. IMO Kinda destroys it. Should just make it Peters Rules
  4. hbd @hawk :wub:

    1. hawk


      Thanks, you better come fight more cartels here ;)

  5. Can we pls just have a Gang Wars already? I beg

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. NokiaStrong


      Ryan the only active group of people that play on both is plauge 

    3. thor


      @NokiaStrong Actually just stfu, you're making yourself sound retarded. 

  6. what did this retard @Donald. do?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Richard


      @yungxanwiththeuzi that was months ago.  Karma caught up to him on that.  I think this o7 has something to do with him calling a player the “N” word on forums, but not 100%.  He legit o7 posted a while back, but still came back to harass a player.

    3. yungxanwiththeuzi


      Just now, RDyer216 said:

      @yungxanwiththeuzi that was months ago.  Karma caught up to him on that.  I think this o7 has something to do with him calling a player the “N” word on forums, but not 100%.  He legit o7 posted a while back, but still came back to harass a player.


    4. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      i believe it went "Kill all the N@!#$&*"

  7. these promotions lol

  8. Congrats @hawk :wub: actually insane that I have known you from near enough your first Corporal week and now you're here

    1. hawk


      I'm always gonna remember the people I started the server with, thanks a lot brother :wub:

  9. Can we not just have gang wars? These Cartel Events are a bit shit

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. DeadPool


      Taco why didnt you suggest that on the other post????? @Kyle Lake

    3. Tacosmell
    4. Proximity^


      get a gang wars going 

  10. Can't you just do a Gang Wars and make everyone happy?
  11. @7evenn You can't just change your name like that after you get called out for scamming, Floyd Mayweather.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. yungxanwiththeuzi


      ooof yikes, you actually are a reject talking about rep on arma 3 forums yikeeeeeees gtfo don't think about talkin to me ever again in ur life hahahhahaha

    3. JuanDeaged


      Your right I don’t wanna talk to you anymore honestly wasting my time on a socially/mentally unstable person who stabs ppl and won’t have the brain capacity to understand what I’m saying so you can post again and try to say some shit but I won’t be responding have a nice life

    4. yungxanwiththeuzi


      You too man, bet u wouldnt be running that mouth if we met tho ;) 

  12. @Floyd Mayweather enjoy being known as a scamming retard :)

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. monster


      Listen im not gonna lie, last time i saw you with the name floyd mayweather was yesterday but you've run so many names recently i find it hard to believe that you have no other known names, and i also checked earlier this morning because i didnt know who you were and it said you had no other known alias's so Sometime between now and like noon you changed your name to floyd and back to air:shrug:

    3. Floyd Mayweather

      Floyd Mayweather

      @ikiledim not part of this, probably an impersonator.

      @mon5t3r i did have other aliases, did you refresh? 

    4. ikiled


      lol yes you are @Floyd Mayweather now its time to stop talking about buying money before you guys legitimately start getting banned. im locking this status update.

      No more warnings

  13. 1776d6751f42fb7305ac28ca6330ae1f.gif


    1. monster


      This is why i always get shot in the back isnt it?

    2. darn fool

      darn fool

      1 hour ago, mon5t3r said:

      This is why i always get shot in the back isnt it?


  14. No, Absolute brain-dead idea. Even if suppressors were to be added it should only be for Sergeant+ anyways, and that's still a stretch.
  15. Nah, The majority of players that actually fight cartels are either banned or play Asylum
  16.       :deIlluminati:

    :deIlluminati:     :deIlluminati:

  17. you guys are 5 hours late :Kappa:

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