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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Hylos

  1. Congrats @Fraali well deserved bud

  2. o7 @Zahzi and @Civak your work here has been fantastic and we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors

  3. o7 bro we gotta chill and blow shit up some time
  4. Congrats @Kamikaze good shit

  5. Chapter 1: No Random Death Match [RDM] 3. This also applies to police. If you engage a cop, all cops are engaged with you. If you are in a tagged gang, anyone in your tagged gang who is brandishing a weapon actively in the situation is engaged with the cops. If you are engaged with cops and the engagement is around an HQ, you CAN kill cops as they spawn in until the engagement is over. Likewise, they can also immediately fire at you/your gang when they spawn in. 9. Death ends the engagement. Anyone who is revived by a medic or epi-pened must engage/be re-engaged. 1. Exception: When two tagged gangs are in an active engagement (with player(s) on both sides alive), tagged players of either gang that get revived whilst the engagement is still active do not need to re-engage. 1. Example: Gangs tagged [A] and [X] are in an active engagement, with players on each side alive. An [A] gang member gets revived. That [A] gang member does not need to re-engage any of the [X] gang members, and is considered engaged with the [X] members.
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  6. Happy birthday to the lads @Ryan and @TheCmdrRex hope you both enjoy it

  7. Giving you a 1 star on yelp.
  8. I dont think you guys understand the part where we have irl lives to tend to and jobs that take up most of our day. The last thing i want to deal with is kids yelling at each other about a video game after i get home from work. That is why we have a ticket system so that we can take care of the server when we actually have the time. Just learn to be patient.
  9. Fuck lads looks like staff is gonna be forced to quit their jobs to do player reports now
  10. @ThatNerdyGuy my comp ticket is still open man I need it to be completed ASAP

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      I request senior admin Hylos to do my comp request

  11. Congrats @Slumberjack & o7 to @Childish and @Richard enjoy the retirement life

  12. Happy birthday shadow owner @Zahzi

  13. o7 brother thanks for everything you've done for the server and for being the one to believe in me and give me a chance to progress on Sr. APD. Come visit in ts whenever you want man
  14. @GoodDustin congrats lad about time!

  15. Congrats @SecTranLive I expect @xDRO to get staff sgt asap ty

  16. Happy birthday man @Outcast

  17. Happy birthday to the lad @Creepy old man

  18. o7 @Hurricane lmao
  19. Congrats to all the promos too many of you to @

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