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Geralt of Rivia

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Everything posted by Geralt of Rivia

  1. no this is @lvy
  2. Pepsi was trying to project a global message of unity, peace and understanding. Clearly we missed the mark, and we apologize. We did not intend to make light of any serious issue. We are removing the content and halting any further rollout. We also apologize for putting Kendall Jenner in this position.

    1. buckie


      Fuck you Beijing biden supporter 

  3. I challenge you to a rap battle at the monkey bars during recess.
  4. I turned like 10K into 20 mil at the Kavala Casino lol
  5. Geralt of Rivia

    dp4 2c

  6. When a player wants to sell a property, they have the choice of either (1) selling the house to the bank for 50% of the initial purchase price plus a small percentage of the purchased upgrades or (2) listing the house on the market for a price of their choosing. When a player lists their house for sale on the market, they will be charged the greater of the following: $75,000 or 5% of the listing price. When players pay for the house to be listed on the market, that house will appear for those who use the realtor to search for houses. Houses cannot be bought and sold from the realtor. Players must travel to the house location to interact with that property. A small stone house has a starting price of $450,000. That would be the cheapest.
  7. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Main_Page
  8. @notsodank @Headless  @Juanjakobe


    1. Juanjakobe
    2. CHEESE1


      Screaming Until My Lungs don't have No more Air Way To Go @Juanjakobe

  9. LEGO Batman is unique from past titles in the building blocks' franchise. The story isn't based off a movie or even a comic-book plot. This is an original tale. That gives Traveller's Tales some latitude, since there's no need to follow a well-known plot. There isn't even a direct tie-in to a particular Batman universe. This isn't Batman of movie fame, the campy TV show or the comics. It's Batman from the toy shelves, which means a sort of hodgepodge of ideas and a myriad of costumes meant to sell extra action figures. It translates well into LEGO, though I wonder if the original four movies wouldn't have made for better source material. What we get in the end is a very basic tale of villains escaping Arkham Asylum and Batman hunting them down. It doesn't get any more complicated than that, but it really doesn't need more depth. If you're playing LEGO Batman, it's because you want to smash objects and beat up some bad guys. Story shouldn't be a major concern. The charm of the LEGO characters is intact and many of the cutscenes are funny. Batman remains stoic, Robin is a goofball, and the villains are all wonderfully insane. The characters are perfect LEGO representations of their comic-book counterparts, but Gotham City itself is not made up of LEGOs. The non-destructible structures have a more realistic look. It doesn't quite work though. Gotham City is drab and without character. Anything that's not LEGO looks like Anytown, USA. It would have been nice to see a stronger creative vision for Gotham. If the sounds in LEGO Batman are familiar, there are two reasons: Most of the sound effects are repurposed from past games, and the soundtrack is from Danny Elfman's score for the 1989 Batman flick. I'm not sure why Warner Bros. (who also released the films and owns the rights to the music) didn't put music from multiple Batman films to offer a more robust flavor. As is, you hear the same tracks repeatedly, often without any connection to the current scene. To its credit, LEGO Batman throws everything and the kitchen sink into the mix. There's a robust cast of characters you'll play as throughout the six acts. The first three acts put you in control of Batman and Robin. There's no switching things up, but don't worry, each has a number of powered suits that can be worn that provide special abilities. Robin has a magnetic suit that allows him to walk up metal walls, Batman has a demolition suit so he can blow stuff up (he is known for such acts of wanton violence, right?). These along with a handful of other suits keep things interesting. The second half of the adventure puts you on the side of the villains. You'll get to see the flip side of each act and learn how the each member of the Batman rogues gallery sets up his or her master plan. These levels end prior to your showdown with Batman and Robin, I guess to keep the villains from ever having a chance of winning. Even though Batman's name is on the marquee, the villains steal the show. Each Arkham escapee has their own special powers, making each unique. Poison Ivy can make enemies sick with a kiss, the Joker can give joybuzzer shocks to anyone he grabs, Mr. Freeze can put anyone into cold storage, and the Riddler can take control of susceptible civilians and make them do his bidding. The true gem, of course, is the inclusion of Killer Moth. You remember Killer Moth, don't you? Yeah, me neither. Who was the genius behind putting a guy in a moth suit in this game?
  10. Congratulations @Doc88 and @maxg!!!

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