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Posts posted by maxg

  1. 5 minutes ago, Tr_Revenge said:

    stop reading from the booklet.   I know well how these things are.       6 people came, what will you say? 

    There's no booklet my guy, Just some common things that happen while on cop lol. You don't know if the cops had another dispatch they had to respond to, or if they checked the redzone beforehand and couldn't go in for another 15, you don't know if they didn't see them (Which they probably didn't bc cops love money lol). There are so many factors that play into that situation my guy

  2. 3 hours ago, Tr_Revenge said:

    1 minute later I see that they are selling moonshine with 3 tempest..  the cops did not raid them.

    Depending on the amount of cops on the server, and ranks of said cops can effect the response time to a situation. Did you send the APD a dispatch letting them know that they were selling shine? Cops can't be everywhere at every second my guy.


    3 hours ago, Tr_Revenge said:

    Do you know what he said ?  "-Fucking turkish guy" and laughing...  I heard what you said.   I said all the swearing I know too.   Did not take my gun.  Did not send to jail.  realized that he was acting wrong.

    To be honest, some people are just dickheads to be dickheads but If a situation like that happens again, record it and submit an APD Internal Affairs report, They are sent straight to the Senior APD and they will deal with the report appropriately. 


    Side note: Check your deposit box at an ATM for your 500k for registering with Steam on the forums 😃

  3. 58 minutes ago, popto said:

    Can’t be asked I don’t like this game enough to care why do you think there’s no effort in this post 😂


    46 minutes ago, Maddox said:

    Don’t care enough but make a o7 post about it?


  4. 12 hours ago, PUREPK TTV said:

    pipe down ur not wiping shit off cap when most of us hours on on cop medic or sitting in support team ur trash kid career cop looking ass


    *Joins support room join for help to ask how to be more mature and professional* proceeds to "roast" me on being in the support team, Lmfao. It's gonna be really tragic when you decide you want to try to progress in the community again and everyone reverts to this post, "I'm reformed I swear!!" Haha


    I still don't understand how you think he is a bad corporal pick, He knows his stuff, everyone makes mistakes, everyone is always learning. He is a good guy and I think he will do great in his position.

  5. 2 minutes ago, PUREPK TTV said:

    maybe im just better with the sdar what can I say id rather get 50 Warpoints wiping you and your goons then 10


    I have solo pushed you guys many times and wiped you off of cap lol, I get the WPs but it's just a waste of time for everyone if your gonna sit on cap and do nothing.

    but back to the point of the post.

    57 minutes ago, PUREPK TTV said:

    If he knew the rules and had the knowledge that a corp should have we woulnd have to go to support everytime. I went to support a bunch when I was on cop and actually tried to grind I delt with thing in a mutual manner and still had problems. No one cares about a rank this post just proves ranks dont mean shit when people get them freely 


    Dude, I'm sorry if this is deemed "toxic" but every time I have talked to you in a support room or just in a cop channel you are so egotistical and act like you know everything when you don't, You think you are hot shit since you have made 5,523 gangs on the server that have all died. pipe down and find your place my guy

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  6. 25 minutes ago, PUREPK TTV said:

    If you had any skills maybe you would come fight cap.

    says the guy who only comes to cap with an SDAR and even when you come to cap with a full kit I wipe your 4-5 man group... sheessh

  7. 7 hours ago, PUREPK TTV said:

    next time I mess up i better get a promotion ayy LMAO

    There is no way your actually complaining about someone making mistakes, Juan is legit the chilliest guy I have ever played cop with, He doesn't try to break rules to ruin the experience for everyone or to gain an advantage, every rule he has broken he has comped for or talked about it in support room in a professional manner. If you are just upset because you can't get anywhere in the community because you are toxic, unprofessional, and immature then fuck off the forums and stop worrying about a promotion that doesn't effect you. You have barely played with him on cop and the main interactions with him are when you come crying in support about the smallest little shit that happens to you. Grow up bro.

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  8. 10 hours ago, ZAZA said:

    stfu you gay fag

    suck my dick you fucking bitch

    @ZAZA Pretty pathetic seeing you act this immature when people have tried to give you chances to progress in the community and you just throw it away, It's honestly not that hard to be nice to people or just be an all around decent person. I get it, It's the internet but like It's honestly concerning you saying this kind of stuff and acting the way you do at your age. The thing that upsets me the most is that there are some underage kids that want to become an APD Member or RNR Member and people like you that act completely immature and honestly disgusting, are the reasons some people are hesitant when evaluating someone for an age exception. If you say you hate the server so much just leave it, No one wants you around if your gonna act like you are. Get a grip g

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