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Everything posted by Crenshaw

  1. Hmu for prices/offers https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1054352522748737709/99033BD42B28D53404E8824D9CBBC31F39AE5687/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1054352522748741252/7F9230392C2994A65AD3748603D607AC5F189EBB/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1054352522748743155/EA11FBDC2B21671ADE16C59869FE6D1323214453/ https://imgur.com/a/wwW9Fdm
  2. Every target manager in America is sweating bricks rn

    1. Drippp


      I live in MN and they closed a lot of the targets and boarded them up. Shits gettin spooky

  3. The next nigga that tags all of sAPD is getting lynched
  4. “Say goodbye to your rank” ”3 to 1”
  5. If maj was Civ council the roundtable would be out now...

    1. ChillX


      at least the new HCC has regular teeth oppose to wooden

  6. Only way N niggas can do a fed and get out with gold is with hackers smh

  7. Ah yes cause I want to see a gang of vigi niggas pullin up on me at rebel with their beautiful flashing lights that blind me. Might as well just alt f4 the APD at that point
  8. Hbd day 1 nigga @i chop hatchbacks thanks for being an actual good hawk gunner

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gaz


      Thats what they be running down on Crenshaw

    3. Dawn


      ...did I do that?

    4. Montez


      for confirmation he did indeed come back, and i got shot in the skull

  9. False, 90% of the SAPD are as white as a piece of paper
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