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yung matt

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Status Replies posted by yung matt

  1. Is it possible I can get Lion on forms ? Anyone know because the normal account is inactive 

  2. o7 olympus

    after a little more than a year playing i basically got bored of olympus. thank you for those who made it fun, you know who you are.

    @ybk @GodsPanda @Incorrect_Gaming @Donkeh @max^ @-|R|- Captain @-|R|- Hawkons @Kden @Patreck @Raxxy @MasterMind @NewBert @Flaw @Hilly @Hyper223 @Sam1 @Sho @Grego @Xlax @Zurph @ikeem @apes thx for the fun feds, their are more but ran out of @'s. Thanks all of you for making olympus fun for me! o7

    1. yung matt

      yung matt

      Luv ikeem took gang funds and the got perm’d

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. o7 olympus

    after a little more than a year playing i basically got bored of olympus. thank you for those who made it fun, you know who you are.

    @ybk @GodsPanda @Incorrect_Gaming @Donkeh @max^ @-|R|- Captain @-|R|- Hawkons @Kden @Patreck @Raxxy @MasterMind @NewBert @Flaw @Hilly @Hyper223 @Sam1 @Sho @Grego @Xlax @Zurph @ikeem @apes thx for the fun feds, their are more but ran out of @'s. Thanks all of you for making olympus fun for me! o7

  4. I think ive been playing too much csgo. I was going for the knife



  5. Please start training deputies on what the fuck to do on federal events.

  6. @Gf 1 v 24 bde508500d737b7ad77d72ceca6febd7.png

    Hello sir, I am contacting you to find out whether your feelings are hurt. If they were in fact hurt by the man mentioned in this image please send a support request at https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ and I'll promptly deal with any problems.

  7. Is this really a ban ? was a bit of a yikes ish ALSO THE GUY WAS LET GO ! 


  8. Executive Decision btw


  9. Peter Long is Kos for the rest of the year to replace Kyle lake


    sit down every rapper ever

  11. When are the GA Carrier GL rigs being added back to the rebel outpost? 

  12. 10 v 22. good shit @apd

  13. r e m o v e p l a n e s

  14. hackers on the server ejecting us out of helis, wtf.. 

  15. What does everyone think ? Be honest !

  16. So I got a warning point and couldnt post ... Its because my race #nwa #nwaa #blacklivesmatter

    #freeme #tayk #kodakblackwack 





  17. I am the best cartel fighter to live ....

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