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Everything posted by Theory

  1. 01754cedbc9f769f27d81f2c78e279b6.png

    1. snipeZ


      Good luck brah, try not to rage 😛

    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Alright now give me the login

    3. Vcx


      the play time it gives you i think you get you money back especially with friends

  2. Is EFT worth the price tag, and is it fun?

    1. Raquese


      Yes very, I own the eod version and its 1000% worth

    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      No its actually so boring you should just give me your account so I can endure the pain for you

    3. Toasty


      Yeah, its a really hard game though. Buy the standard edition and if you like it you can always upgrade later.

  3. @Kats 1 billion dolluh club
    poggers :pogchamp:

    1. thor


      until cats notices and pulls from gang funds to relieve his ego

  4. olympus hours
  5. when Paul Safranek slept with Ngoc Lan Tran :papega:

  6. where can i find the vod of slicker playing on olympus

  7. my hawk has a automatic lock on to the nearest ghawk, lets clash
  8. just do an all in and you'll win if not you got nothing and you wont be tempted to bet again after it DO IT
  9. So I got a 2560 x 1440 monitor that is 144 hz, I also have a gtx 960 and some other old doggo parts, Is my hardware preventing me from using 144?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. destruct


      51 minutes ago, Slumberjack said:

      You may have tried this already but when I got mine I had to enable the 144Hz option through NVIDIA control panel. It was default set at 60Hz. Also had to use the Display Port cable. 

      You don't HAVE to use DisplayPort, it depends on what the video cards' outputs are and what the monitors inputs are. If you have an HDMI 2.0/2.1 output on the video card, an HDMI 2.0/2.1 cable and an HDMI 2.0/2.1 input on the monitor, then you can use that, and it would support 1440p at 144hz. You can reference this with a bunch of input/output combinations for display adapters and cables: https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/729232-guide-to-display-cables-adapters-v2/

      Tbh DisplayPort sucks asshole for multiple monitors too because if you turn off the monitor or someshit your desktop and everything will all reshuffle and windows acts like you unplugged the monitor, which is really annoying.


      As for Theory's question, look up your graphics card model and everything and see exactly what the outputs on the card are, and see if you can support 1440p at 144hz using the website above and the outputs. Something to note though is if your monitor has G-Sync or is G-Sync compatible it'll probably only work with DisplayPort. Lastly, don't forget to actually set your monitor to 144hz in either your windows display adapter settings or in the Nvidia control panel like Slumber said, otherwise you'll probably be running at 60hz and not taking advantage of the full 144hz.

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      You wont get game performance to reach 144hz.

    4. Lime


      When it comes to reaching 144hz, its a mixture of driver settings / options, and hardware. Also in terms of hardware, it all depends what you are trying to do. If you want to game at 144hz but at 1080p, it is not too hardware-demanding. However wanting 144hz at 2K resolution will definitely require some good hardware. From my experience, I recommend getting a 2070 or 5700XT or higher to safely run new games at 144hz 2K.  


    1. Millennium


      the fact that they nailed that perfectly amazes me

  11. merry chrysler
  12. How much is the AT offroad cost nowadays 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Theory


      I remember they used to be 1 mill each wdf, I sold mine yesterday for 6mill thinking I got a steal

    3. |REAL| Boing

      |REAL| Boing

      AT Offroads go for quite a bit. I've seen them valued at 14 mil before. Just depends how bad someone wants it I guess.

    4. Noahhh!


      Yeah @TheoryB, I would have paid 8m. You lost out on an easy 2 more million dog. 

  13. @Gluxdator92e971ce96f22cc5a07202f36b6a1c5d.png

    only a few will understand 

  14. q u a l i t y c o n t e n t
  15. DM OFFERS AT Offroad ENVG's ASP Mar10 Pilot Coveralls RPGw/ 5 rockets
  16. selling at offroad hmu

  17. olympus sounds better than byte
  18. Hey guys It's ThatNerdyGuy here...
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