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Everything posted by GregoV1

  1. Watching Appolo 13 if anyone wants to join


  2. DeadPooL should be removed from the design team | Change My Mind

  3. I didn't know @zoomzooooooom was a Roblox youtuber. 


  4. Can I get my titles back?

  5. ETA on APD Handbook Update 5/5/2019 V3.0 ?!?!

  6. @Cyanide aye baby!!! took you long enough


    @Noodles:D why did this retard get it???




    jk love you my man grats. One day I see you being a PO and me shitting on you, and the next day you're taking a dump on my face.

  7. Wait a minute... if @tyler was support team and he got retired staff... DOES THAT MEAN SUPPORT TEAM IS STAFF :pog:

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. rapidaax


      1 hour ago, KGB JOSH said:

      Well it is SUPPORT TEAM OVERSIGHT soooo

      downvote.. retard

    3. 1-800TryHards


      We’re a bunch of junior staff ;)))) 

    4. zoomzooooooom
  8. Everyone is talking shit while I’m here at school wanting to get home to play the server.

    1. Mason Harrison
    2. Viper


      Servers are unplayable anyways. Hackers make your game crash it’s funny af 

  9. Unitbrone hbd counter part of @Benjamin Remer

  10. Can people stop deleting my status updates when I say happy birthday or congrats to someone? thanks @OS

  11. @MAV THE END IS NEAR!!!!!!!

    congrats my man :)

    1. Lincoln Williams

      Lincoln Williams

      30 hours on server and got 12 taru transport with that 2bill... this guy knows how to play man lol

    2. Ryan


      He’s a pro at moonshine obviously. Cats got nothing on this man 

  12. My mom asked me the reason why I don't play Fortnite.

    My response: 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GregoV1



    3. Civak


      if only you put this much time and effort into ur war attacks
      0 star headass

    4. GregoV1


      We both know If I had 10 more seconds that would’ve been an ez 3 star

  13. @Pledge MCSD Sergeant!

    Found this... god now watching it I sound like a chimp after find the meal for the day.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mako


      I was more toxic and a better MCSD Sergeant than @Pledge @Fat Clemenza

    3. GregoV1
    4. Borax


      Damn that's the nigga that bears his teeth when shooting someone in arma 3

  14. GregoV1


    Yeah, Olympus staff get a little confused with who were negotiating with next.
  15. I mean... if your fucking FOV wasn't at 120, then we could see it better.
  16. @Rexo Found this... 


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