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Everything posted by GregoV1

  1. I'm trying to help you but you're not listening to me so I'm turning into a troll.
  2. Clearly not... "how do you go to a higher when nobody will even jump in Ban Appeal to talk to you??"
  3. Maybe you should contact a higher ranking staff member then
  4. Once you put in a ban appeal the staff member has 24 hours to respond. If he doesn't you can go to a higher ranking staff member and talk about the ban with them. Sooooooo yeah
  5. StreamSniping is the same as hacking | Change my Mind

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. silton


      If you're gonna stream you face the consequences. Shits part of the game

    3. Metal


      8 hours ago, Silton said:

      If you're gonna stream you face the consequences. Shits part of the game

      Steam Sniping isn't part of the game. You shouldn't use that to get an advantage over someone, either your scum, bad, or both.

    4. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Cheating yes. Hacking no. 

      Knowing where someone is or what someone is doing doesn't aim the crosshair for you or give you any information you couldn't get by sitting in the same voice channel as them.

  6. aa4c0fdb2409c9b19beea8408b72b4f5.png

    Pewdiepie is winning again :pog:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Theory


      Pewdiepie owns tseries, he started the war to boost his count, #hustled 

    3. Fuzz^


      Remember lads, Subscribe to PewDiePie!!! @MAV @Hadi Mokdad

    4. Guest


      oh gawd


  8. @Viper how many lamps will a montage be without in-game music? Asking for a friend ;)

    1. Viper


      How long are your clips all together 

    2. GregoV1


      I need a few more clips but I'm aiming for around 2-3 minutes @Viper

  9. :wub:Happy birthday Trapnazio @Egnazio

  10. my ban appeal is still not done.............. Starting to get angry...... 3 DAYS NOW 

  11. @Montez I’ll drop kick you 


    HBD!! ^_^

    1. Montez


      thanks man, 1v1 on clash of clans

  12. @Decimus sad to see a roleplayer go

    congrats EgoGuy @ThatNerdyGuy

  13. congrats @D P on the unblacklist

  14. Hello, Welcome to the most toxic loving community on Arma 3. Watch out for the resident terrorist @Hadi Mokdad and our resident communists @Hoonter and @communistjosh.
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