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Status Updates posted by Strae

  1. LSWVLlp.png

    1. Ryan


      Damn strae putting in 198 hours....man added more hours in the week to himself

  2. Highly unfortunate @Prime but like.. that's just common sense

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Garrett


      3 hours ago, Col3 said:

      @Ronin who are u? Quit mentioning me ape. 


  3. We root for the underdog because of a phenomenon known as schadenfreude. ...We end up rooting more for the underdogs over the “winning” team because wemay be unconsciously envious that they are doing well, which is why if theunderdog team pulls out a win, we don't feel badly that the favorite team lost.

  4. 6b1a4f574394d9929312d0c812688518.png

    we did it

    1. Richard


      But where?  And probably? Let’s get someone to commit to this

    2. Millennium


      1 minute ago, RDyer216 said:

      But where?  And probably? Let’s get someone to commit to this

      Drama's stream most likely bud

  5. using mk1 pulldowns feels weird after 6 months without using them holy shit.












































    this is a joke

  6. Spoiler


    • Spoiler

      My "threat" was a complete joke lol if you couldn't hear that in my voiceidk what to tell you. You actually think i'd go through the time to hit an irrelevant person to me offline lol waste of time.



  7. Help

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Millennium


      are you going through 5 dimensions again

    3. maxg


      3 minutes ago, Millennium said:

      are you going through 5 dimensions again

      Nah he was in a intense fire fight in his front yard and he grabbed his strap from under the carpet and accidentally shot down the power lines

    4. Airborne


      Strae only 2 states in your country have electricity. You’ll now be a true third worlder!!!!

    1. Millennium
    2. Viper


      "planes are op, remove planes" :Kappa: nice shots

    3. Decimus


      1 hour ago, Viper said:

      "planes are op, remove planes" :Kappa: nice shots

      ikr... so broken

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kyle Lake

      Kyle Lake

      3 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said:

      Worst part is I couldnt pardon myself in game it was so high so I literally had to combat log on @Kyle Lake to get it removed :D

      Can confirm this happened lolz

    3. Civak



      3 hours ago, TheCmdrRex said:

      Worst part is I couldnt pardon myself in game it was so high so I literally had to combat log on @Kyle Lake to get it removed :D


      Comp request submitted.

  8. tfw you literally lose 1hp per mk18 shot https://gyazo.com/39f4177fcffdec84cf10ef105f76fd19

    1. drama


      Nice internet, you were probably still 3k out on their screen

  9. Happy birthday Mr free cheats



    1. hawk


      :4head: Thanks you legendary Venezuelan

  10. o7 @hawk

    1. hawk
    2. Ryan


      1 hour ago, hawk said:

      Fuck you ;)

      Wow no longer support team, turns very toxic. Big gay. 

    3. hawk


      4 hours ago, Ryan said:

      Wow no longer support team, turns very toxic. Big gay. 

      CHILL I'm just messing around with my Venezuelan lad

    1. Decimus


      bad player cant even use a titan @Ryan

    2. Mighty
    3. JuanDeaged


      You might be better than god tier pilot juandeaged 

  11. Yo bro check my ban appeal

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