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John Wayne

Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by John Wayne

  1. THOT
  2. welcome to the retired gaming club @Peter Long. +1 and yee another MC owner @Ares +2
  3. Can’t remove apd

    server population would be 0

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      I think it would promote more roleplay, no more robocops :4head:

    3. gaz


      the best thing ever is just playing with deputies, just chillin in kavala, and hearing in a faint direct chat “hands up or be tazed by APD”. I always look over and its always just a 30k new spawn lol.

    4. HyperGoat


      12 minutes ago, gaz said:

      the best thing ever is just playing with deputies, just chillin in kavala, and hearing in a faint direct chat “hands up or be tazed by APD”. I always look over and its always just a 30k new spawn lol.


  4. revived fed strat


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tacosmell


      @Bojo I'll just donate an absurd amount of money instead like you :dejaywink:

    3. SPBojo


      @tacosmell worked like a charm for me ^-^

    4. Tacosmell


      @Bojo I'll take it into consideration :bender-dance:

  5. This entire thread is as irrelevant as me
  6. Monthly donation goal... bigger data plan

  7. Keep up the great work. 

  8. Cops can craft ghost hawks tho right?
  9. duped
  10. garenteed duped items
  11. Ingame reward for reporting dupers: iStock_58118916_LARGE.jpg?auto=compress,

  12. ya'll gay these stats dont reflect gold/vehicle claimed, therefore this entire post is as worthless as the 9 year olds posting. defending the timer is the easy part, escaping is harder. its been a few months since ive done the events but nothing has never changed, apd always stack and have huge item advantages over civs, now more than ever with active sapd, staff, retired retards, and planes.
  13. Why was I just banned from the forums?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fusah


      11 minutes ago, Grandma Gary said:

      I don't see any recent bans against you.  It's possible you happened to land on a blacklisted VPN IP.

      Are you okay? This is the one response I have seen you say without a "^_^" or "bitch" or other hostile response. 

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Cause Gary loves me.:Kreygasm: 

      But he’s right, if I turn off my phones wifi I’m banned, turn it back on and I’m good. WEIRD but I’m over it. 

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      2 hours ago, Fusah said:

      Are you okay? This is the one response I have seen you say without a "^_^" or "bitch" or other hostile response. 

      To be fair most of the stuff on the forums is either bad montages or people breaking rules and complaining about getting banned.

      I saw an opportunity to improve this mans whole fucking life and I snagged it so fuck you bitch ^_^

  14. We did under fake names. We're actually on the leaderboards
  15. change 15 to 8 all ok
  16. Whatever pewds uses cause he has infinite money
  17. Let’s scat tn boys

  18. i Would agree with that except in the same update you added a quilin skin for one guy.
  19. top 10 richest players that got wiped skin for 500$ donators who didnt get their accounts wiped.............................. makes sense guess nothing is held sacred
  20. go to sleep kids or santa wont come

  21. I wonder how my investments with @Heinz Gormittz are doing.

    1. I’m NormaL

      I’m NormaL

      Hey Bud Hope Your Having A Wonderful Thanksgiving Today With The Fam :)

  22. Oh jesus this is one of those economy change updates
  23. Will you be returning to Retired Chief?
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