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Everything posted by Mr GOAT

  1. Is interacting with the gold trader in itself probable cause? @Dante

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    2. Pledge


      1 minute ago, communistjosh said:

      whats the point of a scout heli at a fed now?


      1 minute ago, communistjosh said:

      seize the truck. 


    3. -dante-


      also to ensure you can search the truck if it doesn’t make it to the trader etc. 

    4. Colt


      1 hour ago, Dante said:

      There will need to be a conversation, but if you can seize off of it, then it only makes sense to be able to search off or interaction with trader. Official answer from me is yes. It gives you PC. 

      If it gives PC then it must become a redzone. Otherwise this throws the balance of Feds off the fucking charts.

      Imagine making a non rezone illegal.

      Example, I drive my suv in there without a bounty and have a license for everything and i interact with the trader so now my actions allow the APD to come in and seize my shit because not only can they get PC off of this but also get to sit there for as long as they want because it isn't a redzone.

  2. This, is downvote worthy.
  3. imagine buying a titan and a suicide vest

    but not using either one

    thank u, next

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      @Fuzz^ I’m gonna take a wild guess that you had gang members in restraints within the blast area

    3. Fuzz^


      @an overweight giant retard  correct, but i was going for cop frags. got 5 btw.... 

    4. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      @Fuzz^ admins aren’t retarded in that case, you’re just trying to kill people in restraints lol

  4. You O B V I O U S L Y are talking out your ass with this statement chimp level detected: peak
  5. Can we passenger seat people if no one is recording? (Including spectating admins)
  6. This was easily the best part of the update if we’re being honest
  7. Shoutout the yung grinder @Sho

  8. C U S T O M E R

    S E R V I C E

  9. where do I click ‘Tidal’
  10. @Mako log on, we got a house to search
  11. Imagine being this retarded
  12. Can’t say I’ve said this before: I like the vigi update suggestion.
  13. Group cap = kills olympus Can’t say it enough
  14. 12/20/18

    expect us

    also, shoutout the homie @draMa big ups

    1. drama


      Appreciate it my guy we’re in there

    2. silton


      Write dates properly 

    3. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      @Silton live in the correct country, pussy

  15. With this reasoning, cops should be able to blow up vehicles transporting gold because they “give a clear advantage”.
  16. Asylum (pre 6.0) was built on large gangs, and the same can be said for Olympus. Large gangs are, and will always be, the ‘draw’ to Altis life. Stop embracing large gang life, and you’ll end up paying a dev from another server to do shitty work for you in hopes it “saves” the server. Oh, and I’ll at them: @Poseidon
  18. Show me the carfax on that statistic, honestly. You know DAMN WELL the inverse of what you said is true. I’ve seen a plethora of medics that *willingly* get taken hostage and/or outright ignore the APD when we tell them REBELS ARE COMING TO TAKE YOU HOSTAGE.
  19. Ask @Corporal Moob, we literally would stop a search by doing *exactly* as you described. I love what’s being missed here, @Dante gave the ”civs” an inch, and the “civs” want a mile now. Classic.
  20. If you knew this was wrong, why didn’t you report it? If “we” are interacting with the shed/house/car/backpack after the killing, then “he” (the Officer) has probable cause from the moment after you shot (assuming you weren’t wanted prior to the situation). Your fellow members could also be charged with party to a crime, which opens you up for more liability. Just gotta play cop enough to understand how this works, hence why searching is SGT+.
  21. Did I say stop doing illegal shit? No. You are begging for essentially a way to store 10-20k inventory worth of shit risk free? Sorry hunny, I’ll be camping that shit if I know you’re doing shit out of it. Don’t play dumb. Everyone knows what really goes on behind the scenes.
  22. Wanna be realistic? Lose your shit when you blow it up I’ll wait. (The way to prevent it [from being searched] involves not doing illegal shit, dummies)
  23. If vigis can process while shots are being fired why can’t the APD?
  24. Happy birthday to the REAL OG @EatMeth

  25. The APD sends it's regards, @Trump24


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      bet i wont pull you over

    3. Trump24


      you probly engage on me with no bounty


    4. Mr GOAT
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