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  1. DB I love you guys I never have more fun then when I play with you guys <3

  2. Thank you @Jesse for taking time out of your day!

  3. I've come forward about everything I have done wrong in this community. To have my integrity questioned by a PO is insulting.....

    1. -dante-


      I need better details than this! 

    2. ItsGG


      This is olympus my guy we like the dets when it comes to drama :P

    3. Woo


      It’s a fkn video game, good god suck it up cupcake

  4. o7 Good sir, Had some fun times buddy!
  5. o7
  6. I hi-jacked the song of the week! Eat  A DICK!!!!! 4336e9a7f38ef2b367aa22a05208bb8d.gif

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DarwinsMisfit


      1 minute ago, Ignis said:

      Let it happen, he is learning how to internet.

      this is true


    3. Pledge


      Operation The Coup v2

      by: DarwinsMisfit

    4. DarwinsMisfit
  7. This shit has me rolling!

    1. -dante-


      Yo when this man asked "are you a little 14 or big 14" I died HAHAHA

    2. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


      Fucking click bait but lmao at (threed)

  8. @Goodman You son of a bitch!

  9. When you plan to be in all day before work and the piwer goes out until just before you have to go to work....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fushigi


      yea gotta hate it when the piwer goes out

    3. Skeeter McGraw

      Skeeter McGraw

      Who is gonna do your AGM counts? The Free Tacos? Come on bro!


    4. DarwinsMisfit


      Yes tge piwer went out from storms.

  10. Delayed for a month!
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