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Everything posted by indian

  1. You want an armed prowler for 3.5 mil?
  2. okay then, you’ve got yourself a deal good sir.
  3. I’ll sell you one for 2.5 mil as well
  4. https://steamcommunity.com/id/ARindian
  5. some fucker charged back $160 on me and I’m now at $-25 in PayPal. Anyone else know how I’d go of avoiding this payment. They’re obv not going to send debt collectors for $25 but I don’t want spam calls and mail every other day.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Lmao this guys credit is going to be so fucked 

    3. indian


      @rapidaax Do the debt collectors not send mail to your house and spam your phone? since your address and number are locked in

    4. rapidaax
  6. Get in TS <3 ya idiot stop roleplaying with rednecks on 5M and join my ts NOW!
  7. didn’t see that coming... so happy to see your back @ikiled

  8. thought it was anywhere between 3-5 mil but not sure
  9. hey fuck you dude my dad’s the manager


    1. Xirie


      THANKS MAN!!

    2. Millennium


      I like your face Xirie

    3. Xirie


      3 minutes ago, Millennium said:

      I like your face Xirie

      yea man pretty sick huh

  11. i just stepped on a tack

    1. Claysive


      At least it wasn’t LEGO’s 

    2. NokiaStrong


      Break ur moms back

    3. Evann


      he is lying for the ego

  12. just looked at my AP scores and I am now contemplating jumping off my roof head first onto the concrete patio.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. JuanDeaged


      im taking calc H and AP stat next year as a junior RIP

    3. Xlax


      @JuanDeaged I took calc last year and that shit was awful, wait until you get to trig identities and you will want to put a 12 gauge through your head

    4. ThatNerdyGuy


      If I remember correctly, no one in my school did well on AP tests. Not even the valedictorian. 

  13. lol cheating shitters

  14. what’s better at 3:40 AM, ramen or cereal?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Millennium


      you forgot to heat it up you silly goose

    3. bdj


      apparently people actually eat ramen with milk tho

    4. indian


      @bdj ahaha there’s no fucking way, that shit tasted like cat piss

      @Millennium oops

  15. my boy @bastro hbd

    1. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      he doesnt want my birthday present of an upgrade for his computer that can fix it.

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