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Status Replies posted by Venomm

  1. Congratulations @ Marcus , well deserved. Looking forward to see what direction you take the R&R in!

  2. @ Lime

    O7 friend. You will be missed. 

    Congrats @ Marcus

    1. Venomm


      niggas done stole my joke 💀

  3. PSA: Vehicle Airdrop

    When responding to the Vehicle Airdrop Event ensure that you are not taking armed aerial vehicles to pursue the Airdrop Vehicle once it has left the Airdrop Event zone unless it is necessary. Especially when it is only an illegal ground vehicle. As with any event or any situation ensure that you are using a proportionate amount of force. 

    Do not stay around the area of the Airdrop Event without reason. Remaining in the area without reason is considered camping the redzone. 

    Do not stay at HQ or near the Airdrop Event with the intent of pursuing the Airdrop Vehicle when it leaves the Airdrop Event zone. This is considered camping a redzone. 

    Those of you found to be doing any of the aforementioned will face disciplinary action. 

    @APD Member


    1. Venomm


      winters we need to limit the amount of characters you can put in a status update like twitter.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. Had the night of my life tn! First e-date with @ notsodank ! I'd morb him any day. 💘


    1. Venomm


      my brother in christ W H A T

  5. If you still have an issue with leaving/joining a gang, please make a bug report stating you can't join/leave a gang and your player ID. There were a few issues due to some oversight that have been rectified but may need to be fixed per person affected.

  6. Happy Birthday @ Venomm  (((REDACTED)))((REDACTED)))


  7. unknown.png

     @ ZeRo  and my dog are now friends

    1. Venomm


      i hope ur dog is a statistic in a hamas rocket attack in israel

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Frali is a fat fuck for taking our Navid. Won it fair and square in the damn evi locker. Then takes it out of our house. Power hungry tyrant ass admin team

  9. Hey buddy, I know being 15 is rough but olympus shouldnt be your only source of happiness and you should really take a break. Instead of trying to contest the ban you should go outside and do literally anything else instead.

  10. o7

    was fun playing with all of you, maybe I’ll make a post.

    you know who you are that i fuck with.

  11. happy birthday you caffeine enthusiast and P.S.  the ATF and ice is on the way 

    1. Venomm



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. eooooo bam bam im going soft since they took MY ass of the force damn!!! leok

  13. See ya lads been fun

    @ Doc

    @ Zahzi

    @ Fraali

    @ Ryan

    cheers for giving me a shot even tho I was probs a massive dickhead 



    @ Peterr  spacemovie will always be on top

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