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Everything posted by Strikke

  1. its because you a swefag
  2. Note for next time, pretending like something never happened won't make it go away

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Also sorry about the 4 exta notifications @KGB JOSH

    3. Decimus


      @sploding fair enough. I wasn't exactly sure how all that aids works with Bohemia and monetization shite.

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      @Grandma Gary Its almost like i'm popular ?

  3. Does mainly no pulp but with slight amount of pulp count?
  4. Told yall it was enough proof.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Strikke


      @thor they can just change the IP of the server and it goes back up. Not my point here

    3. Ryan


      @Strikke Not what happened, same ip ? 

    4. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Strikke, yous a tard

  5. If the price of dying is 25k then dying 10 times would be 250k. If i rebel dies once and cant get revived thats about 250k aswell. seems fair to me.
  6. @Ducimus Happy Birthday Kevin.

    If you come back to Arma i will fly to canada and ride horses with you. ? 

    1. Skorch


      he did come back and he and his gang got wiped by 3 vigis

  7. But Bohemia wants every server to be like RuneScape. So the proof provided is more then enough for them. fyi
  8. Pledge and some other boys idk. Dont really memorize player names so i legit dont know
  9. dunno if you are in TP or not but my post was ment to be KP but pledge never edited it ?
  10. tfw you get restricted on the forums for saying something we all know is true now.



    (I'm Gay)

    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      ^ krispy at point this is a joke lol have a nice day.

    3. KrispyK


      thats a weird selfie friend, did linka take that?


    4. KrispyK


      Thats such a nice thing to say buddy! I cant wait to cap a cartel with you later.

  11. Please make buttons n shit "Olympus" orange instead of blue thanks

    1. Ryan


      Good idea there sir

  12. Pretty accurate


    1. Show previous comments  42 more
    2. Skorch


      @ikiled perfect response.  get a new PR guy like Peter said @Ryan

    3. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      @ikiledStill waiting on me getting banned from the forums like you said man, you're blue-balling me man.

    4. Millennium


      you know I was hoping for a better response but I guess you just gave up. @ikiled

  13. rip. please edit my post to include KP if you would't mind bby.
  14. Wait. Wasnt TP your gang?? or do i remember wrong?
  15. I mean, you alone is pretty retarded
  16. Real and TP (Sorry @Pledge but its true)
  17. lol staff dont look at these posts. So prob not
  18. 67149ab6016992b282fcf66e95af82fa.png

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. codeYeTi


      Honestly, this happens every year kinda. Olympus always has its issues, and we definitely have some now, but I'm pretty sure this is just another rendition of the school year kicking in.

    3. Strikke


      12 hours ago, Ryan said:


      Seems like a certain change made us spike dont you think? Numbers fluxuate and school started for most going back to at least a month. Im not worried :P 

      Not saying olympus is dying, just that the drop of is way worse than it has been in past summers. and the fact that #putdownserver3 exist


    4. codeYeTi


      Yea honestly last night while it was down was nice and full on S1

  19. Arigato havent been a staff member for quite some time now. you got banned a long time ago.
  20. Someone pls fix Arma 3 /w battleye on proton thanks. :)

  21. Status update.
  22. Never said i was an admin but ok.
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