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Everything posted by Claysive

  1. The workers protection license can be sold back to the gun store for half price. 25k I believe. Unless that option has since been removed.
  2. with her finger and her thumb...

  3. I mean, you were the one who designed the pedo van. It's all adding up now!
  4. Def had some fun times on Medic and Civ. One of the best times was the V.I.P event when we pulled the "hawk strat" and royally pissed off the APD and other gangs. That and slinging the AT Offroad with the hawk, fighting Tree and APD. Then Tree tried to be some rats cause they didn't get either vehicle. Fucking good times.
  5. glad you're a fan! I had a feeling you'd have something to say.
  6. @Trenton The God is the only civ council we need!
  7. Happy birthday @Daddy Fenwick  Welcome to old timer status. It’s nice. Also happy birthday @Papi Pods  

  8. https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ New request < Ban Appeal
  9. I'll never pull something like this off again. 


  10. o7 man!
  11. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    1. PJ.


      Thats right..... Sleep you baby

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