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Everything posted by 1-800TryHards

  1. We got some new champions bois ;) 

  2.  Hopefully we can see some of this new stuff in Olympus, new guns (new gun skins) and some new clothing options.

  3. Happy birthday @Big_Tony at one time you were the biggest APD meme ;) 

    1. BigTony-


      Too late but thanks :D didnt know that xD I'll join back within tomorrow 

    2. 1-800TryHards


      @Big_Tony we used to do feds and we would milk you all the time because you were new and learning 

    3. BigTony-
  4. On vacation maybe some other time
  5. Yeah facts pretty sure this won’t happen because of that, but we all know why they tried to implement that lmao.
  6. o7 bud you’re truly a really awesome dude to talk to you always kept it real. You and taco were both the buds. Hope whatever is in you’re future you push yourself to become the best at whatever it may be. Cya man
  7. Eta tacosmell
  8. Dude was a meme made sure the streets of kavala were bounty clean.

     Wasn't even fully my fault to have to comp but no other cops wanted to comp so I did it myself. Gotta love my  #1 FAN @Nex is on route

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skys


      my clip got used :D


    3. Energyyy


      they all sound retarded 

    4. NexIV


      Look tryhards, you have your moments. But yeah that's not VDM, I wasn't on scene so I didn't see it, that's funny asf actually.

  10. Thank the staff too they helped a lot when the hackers were fucking shit up

    Y'all talking about Project 85.You don't even know what project 86 is going to be.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Millennium


      33 minutes ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

      Project 86 is when we get a licensing deal with Dominos to get po's a discount on pizza. :dejaywink:

      wowowoowow I want a discount too.

    3. old tb account

      old tb account

      @hawk Project 91 Tb:) get SGT


  12. Android lol iPhone gang
  13. Easy and clear understanding I like it.
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