We understand @Peter Long. You gotta do what you gotta do. I hope everything is well for you and your family. You've brought us all closer and showed tremendous compassion for this community consistently throughout the years. Through the toughest of times, you always stayed positive and hands down had the best sense of humor and way with people. You've personally inspired me with your personality and sometimes, breathtakingly hilarious discussions and in-game events. The memories are just insane and I thank you for that. You also confronted issues head on in your own way and said FUCK what everyone thinks, this is the best community and we are going to press on and have fun! o7 to one of the best that Olympus, Hell, Arma 3 Altis Life, will ever see.
@Ares good lord. Was not expecting that but I can see it lol. You're bat shit crazy but I know you take Olympus very seriously when it comes to the more technical stuff. In difficult dilemmas, you are usually the voice of solidarity.
To the people who can't understand what the Hell Ares is saying: Get over it and find @Bow or @Grandma Gary to translate for you because that shit ain't gonna change