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Everything posted by Hunter

  1. “Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everyone is standing around reloading” ― Thomas Jefferson

  2. tbh pretty sad they fucked up s7 and s8 of game of thrones 😞

  3. I can sell you a rpg and 4 rockets later today got the stuff on s1
  4. Shit devs don't come back not worth it @Trimorphious broke clean up script now cars never despawn. as a side note i have a smooth brain and if i want something fixed i should become a dev and fix it but i failed algebra 1
  5. Add a sort function to houses please

    1. Millennium


      there is.... its the up and down arrows

    2. Hunter


      @Millennium i mean auto sort butten like clothing in clothing section etc 

    3. Millennium


      it would be cool but would probably lag the server pretty bad. Idk tho

  6. Fix the fucking cleanup script cars never despawn now 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SystemChips


      @Vigi easy money dont think u had to tell us that second part but i think they were marked

    3. Hunter



      @SystemChips never opened keys and never clicked the mark function car just sat there for ages, as side note i am fat and play olympus all day

    4. Trimorphious


      theres a lot of things that could make a car not despawn, like if theres people close to it or theres y inventory in it

  7. whoever were the retards that moved vigi from Neo are autistic 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hunter


      @Skateezy The fact people think it's reasonable that people just roll around with mil bounty's with no threat of getting arrested is frankly idiotic you should have that risk of getting arrested etc there were a select few who camped bottleneck and arrested people it's not hard to go around us in a heli or boat etc and them moving vigi is just dumb because that leaves a shitload of the map with no vigi outpost 

  8. merge s1 and s2 server pops are dead

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Savage


      little 5'7 blood talking hot ill be seeing u on the news in a body bag for when u run into real bloods u little pussy

    3. Savage


      go back to begging for typhoon i dont understand u retards just dont have restrictions when it comes to toxicity some things r not meant to be made fun of

    4. Drippp


      Staff really being soft out here deleting content

  9. Need dope crate OG s1

  10. Might want to put the server
  11. can we get a airdrop s1 no fights 

  12. plz no the amounts of times i lagged out fighting at pygros bank was insane
  13. New record for the casiono took 3.2 Billion out of the economy.

    @Tech Good Job

  14. Just me getting randomly DCed?

  15. I care why lmao you are selling worthless stuff only thing that matters from a cop is the gun and the t4 vests and above
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