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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by ZeRo

  1. ZeRo

    l8r sk8r

    You better watch it. Il call the Mounties on you.
  2. ZeRo

    l8r sk8r

    o7 man, it was great playing with you.
  3. Ruanv3.jpg.95b6f9a3ed4aed266380beb63a611e76.jpg

    @ Ruan  Happy Birthday!

  4. ZazhiShort.thumb.jpg.7a5ab88d36580498cefd22c94e9a8b79.jpg

    1. jig


      someone get this zero guy on a leash hes going wild

    2. ZeRo
  5. I didn't know @ notsodank  and @ Hurricane  were friends. 


  6. I guess someone is having a rough time doing their run. 


  7. o7 @ 1thedoc  You will be missed.

  8. Congrats! @ hawk  The Canadians must take over! lmao

  9. o7 man. Your gonna be missed.
  10. We're currently looking to fill some Map contributor positions for Olympus! Being a designer is a staff position and with that comes responsibility and professionalism. It will also come with perks and staff points. We are currently searching for players who are experienced in Eden Editor to work on the main map. If you're interested in applying for the role please submit an application in the support section of the forums under "Developer/Designer Application" then select the desired position. Please ensure you provide various work examples or your application will NOT be considered.

    Good Luck!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NokiaStrong


      Perfect time to pick it up

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Hold up since when do we consider you paintbrush wielding apes staff?

      deez nutz GIF

    4. ZeRo


      @ Grandma Gary  Its actually Lego builders. Get it right. 

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