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Bongo Bongo Bongo

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Everything posted by Bongo Bongo Bongo

  1. @Ares Pay current devs and hire new ones instead of pocketing donation money, but who am I kidding you'll never see this anyway :4head:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. swrvy


      if it werent for the money i doubt he’d even want to be owner

    3. bdj


      id take free money too

    4. MAV


      You all do realize that Area family is extremely wealthy and he doesn't need the money right? Not for the money...

  2. Anyone here play CoC or CSR2

  3. This makes me want to start playing again
  4. Before you press the play button you can hear people talking, cars moving, etc. if you get engaged and then leave the server then that should be CL. If you press play and then you die right away then just submit. The situation is a grey area in my opinion.
  5. The donkey draymond was hilarious flopping all over the place, but on the other hand Kyle Lowery had the luckiest fade-away shot ever.

    Good win Toronto 

    1. User_0000


      hahah , replace "Kyle Lowery " with "Chicken Curry" and that was game 5 smh

    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      I can't stand Draymond, he's like the Dennis Rodman of this generation 

  6. Are you the person who was talking in third person on a gaming forum? I would have made u show ID too
  7. If you comped 500k then why are you banned? That’s fucked up shit, and before anyone tells me “comp is a player idea” he still payed for his mistake
  8. Imagine pulling the fire alarm to get out of AP testing 


    1. indian


      no way lmaoooo

    2. Danger


      Sounds like a brilliant idea

    3. Jester


      I mean hey it’s worth it

  9. I forbid this Lincoln you cannot leave me
  10. I have one right next to yours on server 1
  11. You clickbaited me because i wanted to see if I was being clickbaited
  12. Wait patrol officers have scroll wheel lethals? Or am I just dumb and don't understand this.
  13. I have a gambling addiction 

    1. Jester
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      47 minutes ago, Jester said:



    3. Millennium


      56 minutes ago, KGB JOSH said:



  14. S1 Kavala air service station is not functioning :DansGame:

    1. Outcast


      It was placed as a troll.



      Will be fixed next update.

    2. Bongo Bongo Bongo

      Bongo Bongo Bongo

      I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out why I cannot insure my helicopter or my trucks. Troll successful :PJSalt:

  15. Made 30mil off bets I hope someone can comp that. I’m pretty sure I had 20k at the time they are rolling back to
  16. So my bets that I won will not be comped?
  17. Copy and paste images
  18. these promotions :DansGame:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bongo Bongo Bongo

      Bongo Bongo Bongo

      Just now, gaz said:

      T O X I C

      grats @tacosmell  I guess I just hold grudges concerning what happened earlier with the ipstresser :ph34r:

    3. Tacosmell
    4. Jester
  19. There's a thing called player reports.
  20. Seems legit 2me
  21. This is a joke
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