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Everything posted by Monks

  1. Monks


    Wym bruh this is Zaza not XOwenx or Hunter dean, they are all twins and just sound similar duh
  2. Monks


    runs in 2021 wtf
  3. Lmao and kids are upset about a virtual 50m that someone took from gang funds, while the boy @SystemChips out here getting gwuap
  4. let's just delete both servers
  5. Just your daily reminder that arma is ass and there are much better games out there c86930ed0ff5a6d1b257eb14ff7c17f1.png

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Millennium


      What kid of fucking house is that shit

    3. billdroid


      Monks demoted lololokol

    4. CHEESE1


      yo monks man you did you o7 bro

  6. i still owe you a cut for that one fed rite?
  7. Gary just solved world hunger

    1. WALT


      thanks monks, o7

  9. tbh Conor has been retired for like 8 months now? Meanwhile Poirier has still been fighting constantly since last year. Kinda had to expect him to win

  10. | | | v | | | v
  11. bruh why mako out here saving the server rn
  12. 674d0fb86ce95be2876256f75271f521.png
    bro what the FUCK

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I know right how tf is there 7k dents watching someone play minecraft l0l

  13. Happy birthday DeadPooL 2 @Mako

  14. Remove loadout loading progress bar so loading a loadout is instant now?
  15. Monks


  16. baguette
  17. My headphones broke and I am buying new ones, I am considering these but I haven't decided yet, 
    Give me any recommendations please, preferably wireless but comfort is my maximum priority 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Tech


      blue snowball for desk mic and earbuds for sound.


      Fuck gaming headsets

    3. jig


      well not earbuds but headphones FUCK GAMING HEADSETS

    4. Icy
  18. Holy shit @ZeRo about fucking time 

  19. didnt really know you but you hate @Venomm as much as i do so o7 soldier
  20. Congrats 2 timer @Mason Harrison @Venomm and sr medic @notsodank

    o7 @Brolaf I know you be a great solder when you get drafted ❤️f21d9c32-f777-4724-b8ce-5330686bb0c0.jpe

  21. nah im gonna tell him to turn around and never look back
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