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Everything posted by Fedot

    1. Elements


      these two weirdos have their own comedy

  1. Guns have billing killing civilians for too long. I propose we outlaw guns on Altis.

  2. 1v1

    1. buckie


      Let’s go fedot its my time to ascend 

    2. SPBojo


      1v1 me rdm alley rn looser

  3. how do i become apd. i am noob plz help

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. hawk


      Make more bait car episodes 🙂 

    3. Fedot


      Since my houses got yeeted by @ Zahzi 's code It's all i got.

    4. codeYeTi


      Was that your ass on conq yesterday 4-3WebDev or some shit

  4. Who uses gyazo anymore 🤮

    1. DABESTeva


      who uses both hands still 🤢

  5. Cops are OP
  6. @Zahzi come home the tractor is broken and i can't go to the market.

    1. buckie


      Fedot I’m coming to save you 

  7. There needs to be a method for me to go afk for 180 days and not lose my houses @Zahzi

    1. goooooon



  8. Which Biden wanna-be implemented taxes on a house i've owned for 6 years.

    1. Fedot


      Tyrone : Think Comcast Support - 10 and that's what Tyrone brings to the table

  9. @Grandma Gary is the only one who can take a joke. Let's start a Forum game. Post your IPs below whoever has the largest combined octet number wins.
  10. @Zahzi Can you please stop patching my exploits. It ruining my game play.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fedot


      @SPBojo I'm surprised you're still around. Olympus had some wack era's.


    3. SPBojo


      @Fedot Someone has to represent the OG's 😉 

    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Except people think 2018 is a REAL OG 🤣

  11. Isn't Declaration like fucking 5

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Did you just assume his/her/it's age?! IN 2019?!>?!""3$

    2. Fedot


      I shot somebody once told me the roll ropll me I'm high

  12. Motherboard Model? The numbers on the MB are like Beep Codes. Your MB may be fried. But just in case remove the two GPU's and try to boot your monitor from the Motherboard
  13. Just to recap of a previous post. Women shouldn't be allowed to make decisions.


    1. Fedot


      still kidding #SocialExperimentalism

  14. Alright I'm just gonna say it... Women shouldn't be allowed to make decisions. #Metoo

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fedot


      I had to avoid the @McDili /@jesse ownership. My boy @Peter Long (although we dont meet eye to eye all of the time) is not a reeee

      Also @Grandma Gary is still here so a part of me is still alive

    3. Unjo
    4. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      Amendment I 

      Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.  

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I bet Poseidon is gonna get right on that ;D

    2. Fedot


      12 units of time Gary 12 units.... #Throwback

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