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Everything posted by Fedot

  1. I already have it ^_____________________^ MI5?
  2. if you pay me, ill take it from u
  3. Who wants to buy a Limited Edetion Razer Naga Hex that was smashed by the best Kavala Scat ever. ONE OF A KIND

    1. Main


      Sure, I'll take it and then proceed to do a trade in with it for your gh0sthawk:bender-dance:


    2. Brennan


      does it work?

  4. Fedot


    No luckily Goodman teleported me into the arms of the APD before he could!
  5. Fedot


    #Raptorr427 he liked boys
  6. Who fried my router? and does anybody want to donate 60$ to replace it?

    1. iPopsicle


      I will donate the money I made selling your ip

    2. Pledge


      it was my community service project

  7. "  IF YOU GET CAUGHT... you get punished.  The slightest bit of common sense... "

  8. clickbait -1
  9. Shout out to @Kanger good luck next time, hopefully you wont get last <3

  10. TBH Idk why everybody is bitching about @Nikoteen. ffs moob got civ rep and although i made a few jokes about it he wasnt so bad.

    1. iPopsicle


      Stop spamming the forums pleb

    2. Homicide


      Well There's many reasons why Nikoteen shouldn't be civ rep I mean he's a disrespectful lil kid all he does is talk shit on the forums no one really knows him and he obvioisly has his asylum rat friends hop in just to vote for him he's the worst candidate for civ rep don't u want someone who's gonna do the job right not some snot nosed arrogant lil kid who probably lets his mom bathe him still lol 

  11. Got another AR15, who trusts me with guns?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sociopathic


      Already have it...

    3. Fedot


      Rogue Trench coat is so 2006, its all about the colored hair

    4. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


      no one even trust u with the stats page

  12. James Comey is about to get killed in a botched robbery. RIP

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fedot


      Who says secret service isnt corrupt as well?

    3. Im KiD

      Im KiD

      O_O who says you aren't corrupt MAYBE THATS WHY U KNOW HE GONNA BE MISSING IM CALLING THE COPS!!!!!!!

    4. Fedot


      And opus was never heard from again.

  13. Shout out to Bill Gates for breaking everything

  14. ffs when someone makes a goodbye post can they at least say "Fuck you @Fedot"... I WANT TO BE APPRECIATED

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Im KiD

      Im KiD

      ey fedot fuck you <3

    3. Sociopathic


      Fuck you fedot..

      You disconnected your phone number </3

    4. Marty


      Fuck me, Fedot

  15. I hate u
  16. You know how girls sync up? now our game crashes sync up. #Friends

  17. i know.... youre not
  18. what is meant by search offline houses? WILL MY ROOKS GET TAKEN?

    @Jesse @G.O.A.T.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      2 hours ago, EatMeth said:

      If you are offline crates will not be there.

      Good. So that means your rooks are safe @Fedot. Peeps just cant get out of their drug mule shenanigans anymore ;)

    3. Fedot


      what about spike strips i like doing 360s

    4. DeadPool


      24 minutes ago, Fedot said:

      what about spike strips i like doing 360s

      exploit ban

  19. umm it's not christmas.... All jokes aside, i just like fucking with you fluffy <3 u a good dude..... who gets angry <3
  20. Look I'm @Goodman *does backflip*

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