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Everything posted by Fedot

  1. Outcast is a party pooper *thumbs down*

    1. Fedot
    2. Unjo


      Thought you died

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      25 minutes ago, Unjo said:

      Thought you died


  2. I am now taking donations for medical costs HMU

    1. Moose


      Did you finally hook up w/ ignis and get aids

    2. Fedot
    3. iPopsicle
  3. Id like to thank everybody who got me admin


    1. proud


      when nignis gets drunk and says some shit he regrets

  4. @Eggman dont klet me down cock sucker <3

  5. " జ్ఞ‌ా "

  6. #BringBackFedot'sGHawk
  7. " జ్ఞ‌ా "

  8. lmao ive heard this by 4 seperate people . YOU ARENT ORIGINAL nah imbasicly ignis let me hold it
  9. bruh i still wasnt mentioned wth
  10. You can i get another $50 BTC
  11. When DB is in town



    @Dingle Pooper

    1. bigPat


      Thats when DB leaves town breh. 

      And the Memeshack take over

    2. DashTonic


      did you take that pic with a phone

    3. Heinz Gormittz

      Heinz Gormittz

      No, that's when the revolution is in town :D

  12. I had 1 million meth who fucking took my meth
  13. Love @G.O.A.T. or hate goat. He was still a corrupt mother fucker and a cunt.

    1. Fyshie.


      i dont think the "love goat" part applies here sry

    2. Fedot



      I wonder why the servers are lagging.

  14. @G.O.A.T. you gonna DDoS the server again just like the last time you were given a punishment??

  15. " Which server did this happen on and what is the date and time? " @OutCast





    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Zahzi


      @JulianI do it with OBS. I just have a script that writes the time to a file every second and then OBS displays the text in that file on the screen.

    3. LongInactiveAccount


      6 hours ago, Zahzi said:

      I just have a script

      Ban him

    4. Fedot


      @Julian I made a how to about a year ago check it out

  16. Prime's otnetis lacking all dem slaves were bot dfrom china
  17. How safe is it to replace a 25A breaker with a 35 A breaker. Asking for a friend

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Creepy


      Jesus. OK yeah it should be fine then.

    3. OG Doc

      OG Doc

      Be mindful, usually a 25 or 35 if for major appliances, just because the wiring can handle it doesn't mean the appliance can.

    4. Fedot


      Currently, i have a Server rack pulling 3 circuits. I'd like to make that one circuit.

  18. lmao i never claimed i wrote it
  19. For starters, topping the list is 1) Celine Dion Adding to this musical catastrophe 2) Justin Bieber 3) Canadian Bacon? It's HAM! 4) No one cares about Curling. It's not even a real sport. 5) Who wants to buy milk in a bag? It comes in a carton. 6) They have a province dedicated to the French. The French are assholes. \7) There is a place called Moosejaw. Need I say more? \ 8) Have you ever seen a Canadian Sweater. They're so ugly. 9) Mounties. Yeah, the horse is more intimidating. and finally 10) Their accents. "How aboot we play some hockey, eh?" WHO GIVE A FLYING FUCK FEDOT
  20. he was a wheelchair warrior don assume his gender
  21. tbh i never new this rule existed. I'd like to report @Panera for playing a gay ass game
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