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Server Lag

Olympus Plus
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Status Updates posted by Server Lag

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      What’s going on man? Is everything okay?

    2. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Future mass shooter behavior

    3. Server Lag

      Server Lag

      Yeah @ ThatNerdyGuy I just suck at this game.

  1. Sorry for the lateness but happy birthday @ Ryan and @ Lucien

    1. Lucien


      It not late the forums are early lmao today is our birthday @ Server Lag thank you

    2. Ryan


      Thank you bud!

  2. Bruh where is @ Diamond  last seen was at my moms house.

    1. Diamond


      what you mean? im always around, but man she does make a fire steak


  3. what is going on with my game I keep getting kicked due to battle eye client not responding; how do I fix this?

    1. Tommy12
    2. Skys


      get better

    3. Server Lag

      Server Lag

      got it fixed and @ Tommy12 that wasn't the problem, 

  4. Spend your life savings on Funyuns.

  5. Aye me and @ Diamond  are twinz lets goooooooooo happy birthday man!

    1. Diamond


      hey man happy birthday ❤️

  6. Just your local chads protecting and teaching the young and impressionable newbies to our beloved home Altis.

    ArmA 3 Screenshot 2022.10.31 -

  7. Happy Birthday to the best dad a kid could ever ask for man. 

  8. 07 boys it's been good.


    1. Ruan


      07 take it easy.

  9. Im 18 now and I pay taxes yay

    @Secret Agent

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13
    3. Natee


      happy birthday me forgets lunch at work

    4. Lime


      HBD yo, try not to tax evade.

      Sounds great, doesn't work

  10. Get the fuck off me 😂


  11. c66270f670ab0de76bf9dd76dbb1fba2.jpg.f415fb865b8a97f464d8dafadbe062dc.jpg

    Pygros just aint the same without my boys 😞 

  12. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PcNlGMESzI7sQWghddAjqk0eVymmRsan


    [DB] thinks its okay to RDM cause he has "connections" LMAO 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CocoisDead


      Join [DB] Now! For a low cost of 20Mil! Access to Pocket Mods, Pocket Admins, Pocket Developers, Pocket Lead Developers and for limited time Pocket sAPD!

    3. SPBojo


      But foreal tho, did you get the ticket number? @CocoisDead

    4. CocoisDead


      He didnt want to give it to me 😞 @SPBojo

  13. I know this topic was already thrown away but this would honestly be sick asf.

    1. Theory
    2. Hunter


      cool you get that and Rebels can buy zafirs at Rebel shop 

  14. I’m 17 now 

    my birthday is today🎂

    I’m blessed to see another year

    I’m thankful for my dad @Secret Agent for letting me try this game out

    there is a lot of wonderful people in this community

    i love playing Olympus I love being apart of the APD

    @Shades @GluxDesigns 

    these boys are the first people I met in this game they helped me learn this game

    they pushed me to do great things on Olympus and I’m very happy I was introduced to yall


    1. thor


      go celebrate your birthday and stop posting these cringe status updates 

      happy birthday

    2. GluxDesigns


      glad we meet you and your pops too bro. much love. happy b-day boiiii

  15. what do ya'll think about this?



    1. Lex yo

      Lex yo

      water mark needs too be moved in the corner and made a little smaller

  16. the police swat guy is the banner and the one with the helicopters is the profile pic





    1. Creepy


      "Hey designer can you infringe all over this guys copyright, please?"

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