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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. Gang wars sound cool

    1. -dante-


      hiiiii ignis

  2. If you're lucky they will make you sing
  3. hi

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. drama


      Ignis you mf

    3. buckie


      Only if they knew how many times u pocket admin’d for me

    4. iPopsicle
  4. iPopsicle


    VX rat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Did this theme come with the broken status update feature for free?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Civak


      room temp iq

    3. iPopsicle
    4. Civak


      then it would be even lower..

      i rest my case

  6. gsjRluo.png

    I will loot an ASEA all day

    1. Icy


      ditch the ifak, splint, and survival kit for the SG-C10 and intel

    2. PoptartRex


      Oooo we should play sometime

  7. Need a new desk chair, what should I buy?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. lvy
    3. iPopsicle


      @Lime looking for an office chair that can be sat in for extended periods of times due to my job. I don't really have a budget really I just want something worth the money and will last.

    4. Lime


      @iPopsicle In that case it'll be hard to beat Steelcase and Herman Miller. Herman Miller particularly has two god tier chairs, the "Mirra 2" and their holy grail aka the "Aeron". They both retail pretty expensive price tags but they can usually be found through local listings pretty easily for way less (Craigslist, Marketplace, etc). If you do just outright buy one new, Herman Miller's warranty is pretty nice. 

  8. Congrats & Welcome back! @Jesse

    1. silton


      What are ya a comedian or something

    2. Jesse


      Glad to be back. Frig off @Silton

  9. Everyone buy Tesla stocks make my monies go higher ty

  10. Fucking n00b
  11. Any coups recently?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Outcast


      58 minutes ago, Civak said:


      man got couped from mod? 

    3. Noahhh!


      @Outcast ye the senior admins, and then gary touched my nono square 😢

    4. billdroid


      some nigga coup'd my bike yesterday omw home from school

  12. Donate to my paypal and I can make you your very own teamspeak
  13. Man, if you are uncomfortable about this, I would avoid learning about our government
  14. I would probably still disregard procedure to ban @proud
  15. I've talked to the Ddosers... they wont stop unless Chick fil a is open on Sundays

  16. Image may contain: one or more people, eyeglasses and closeup

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      You got one eye looking at me and one eye looking for me D=

  17. Heard you're looking for a web dev (-: 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I miss you and your BMUU <3.

      I hope he doesn't tear you open when he goes in dry.

    3. silton


      Did you even do anything? I just want @Fedot back

    4. Linka
  18. Hi. It's me, ignis. I heard I had a fan of mine reach out to the community today. Twas not me. But, I admire the trolling capabilities of this person 😄


    Fuck you all, 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. proud


      i miss u little shit

      whered my first pocket admin go:kappa:

    3. iPopsicle


      Do I still have the highscore for perming you and your brother @proud?

    4. proud


      @iPopsicle we got unbanned more than a year later so yea u got the highscore🤣😭

  19. You RDM'd @Ryan and no I am not looking at your ban appeal

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