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Status Updates posted by Orgondo

  1. This Third Shift shit is hella different, but being able to game on my laptop for 7hrs before having to actually do anything is pretty dope.

  2. smh, the songs y'all pick for the APD CoC Song of the Week...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Orgondo


      How tf do y'all listen to that ear rape :/ 

    3. DeadPool


      I live in the south im used to the hard "R" type of music 

  3. Gotta love Illinois driving laws. RIP to my license


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Orgondo


      No, kids my age don't win too often in my area. Especially since I look like a delinquent lol 

      I didn't even think it counted towards my license in that sense so I just paid it and went on with my week; if I would have known otherwise I would have go to court and attempted it.

    3. QKSILVR73


      Usually if you plead they will work with you.  This isn't Altis PD LOL

    4. DeadPool


      1 hour ago, Orgondo said:

      No, kids my age don't win too often in my area. Especially since I look like a delinquent lol 

      I didn't even think it counted towards my license in that sense so I just paid it and went on with my week; if I would have known otherwise I would have go to court and attempted it.

      Do trial by combat double or nothing

  4. Best April Fools prank ever, Eatmeth as Chief. 

    1. EatMeth


      I am force promoting you to PO now. :4head: 

    2. Orgondo



    3. Midnight
  5. The Lord, @Poseidon, has awoken. Rust Server will be updated and back online in a few mins. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Monkeysz


      Who pays for the rust server

    3. Orgondo


      The server stays up as long as donations keep up for the most part, therefore Poseidon I do believe.

    4. Monkeysz


      Oh good I liked rust back in the day got to get back into it though :D 

  6. For those wondering, the Rust server needs updated to the new current protocol that is why you are being kicked. And i don't have the permission to update it :/ standby y'all.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Welch



    3. Orgondo


      Whenever Poseidon wakes up or comes back from whatever he is doing lol.


    4. Welch
  7. Olympus Rust is poppin, head on over and give it a shot. For those who have been wondering. If you are banned on Olympus Arma you can still play the Olympus Rust server (Unless you are banned for DDOSing)

  8. I was out of town and missed it! Happy late birthday brother, hope you had a great one man. @Snare

    1. Snare


      I'm out of like but thanks gondo! :) 

  9. Olympus Rust is coming back very very soon. Stay tuned y'all! 

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. EatMeth


      Hey I made Poseidon some good money with that server :4head:

    3. TheRealKyle


      I hope you dont add too many mods. 2x gather/smelt is fine and clans is fine but anything more and i really wont enjoy it.

    4. Orgondo


      @TheRealKyle Basically will be Vanilla Rust with slight mods.

  10. I don't really congratulate people but when it's myself i have to. So congrats Me. @Egnazio


  12. Hide yo kids, hide yo wifes, hide those forum posts, the bans are swift today my friends. Stay safe. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Orgondo


      Dawg i so would be right now if I wasn't at work, that shit is probably lit af

    3. Orgondo


      LOL for toxic?

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Lol I miss those ban hammer days. It was always a "job well done". Ahhh, the good times. :P 

  13. I'm crying at work due to laughing about this Vac ban shit im hearing about

  14. Thanks for entertaining me while I'm at work boys. @Peter Long @G.O.A.T. @Phizx shoutout to @Ares For making all this possible.

    1. Phizx


      I had a lot of fun with it besides the actual ban . Looks like I'll be around more often for the streams 

  15. When you are just wanting to play Rust but you watch a hacker fly into your neighbors base so he DDos's you offline for 40mins... @Josh122

  16. News Team Handbook is nice and all, but saying a News Team Member can't be held hostage is hands down the most retarded thing I've ever heard; considering that could lead to a very well developed story and a ton of great RP.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Dangus


      As a medic, I've been kidnapped during terrors, Feds, and jails to assist the rebels. News Team members would provide absolutely nothing other than something a normal civ can provide. News Team have to work hard to get enough footage for a good video, and if they are taken hostage or killed in the middle of doing a story, then they have an incomplete story and pretty much have to restart from scratch with their story. That is annoying and would happen far too often. Besides, you'll be the star of a video if you let them follow you while you are fighting. That would be pretty cool being the highlight of a News Story. @Jaeger Mannen you said reporters are executed for attention and publicity, well... wouldn't it be better to look like an open gang with cool dudes, and nothing better than a reporter doing a story following your gang. You'd gain lots of good rep if you let a reporter follow you and make a cool story about you.

    3. TheRandomOne


      Like many have said, for the majority of people taking news team hostage would only be to help clear bounties.

      With that said, if a gang "asked" me to follow them and I thought they would deliver some great RP I'd spend the next 2-3 hours "captured" by them for great footage/RP. So if that's something you're interested in Orgando, let me know and we can definitely work something out.

    4. Dangus


      I blame you Jesse. Maybe if you never came to Olympus with random, we wouldn't be here... 



      lol, jk <3u

  17. Hopefully News Team actually goes somewhere this time, don't fuck up bois

    1. TheRandomOne


      Well, that's up to @ThatRandomGuy. I'm excited to see what he does with it

    2. ThatRandomGuy


      Its defenetly not going to include a lot of porn

  18. Shit with Snipez getting Corporal I feel extremely convenient on getting Sergeant. 

    1. Dejay
    2. Orgondo


      10/10 Autocorrect won this time.

  19. Happy Birthday to the boi @The Haunter, we miss you my dude. 

  20. Happy birthday @Buffalo Bill @Goodman @Sociopathic enjoy being one day closer to death!

    1. Sociopathic


      That's where your wrong, I can't die because I'm dead inside... :P

    2. Buffalo Bill

      Buffalo Bill

      With the recent increase in texture bugs, and really bugs in general, I'm happily anticipating it. Thanks man

  21. The fuck just happen, Olympus 2 just get the Ion Cannon? Me and my boys can't even get into our TS

  22. Still having issues connecting to Server 2. This is fucking horseshit

    1. Lucki


      Whats horseshit is that I can't play for more then 10 minutes at a time without the game crashing. Last time I played it crashed within 3 minutes of me joining the server.

    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Then it must be smelly then... :Kappa: 

  23. Kind of funny how happy you get from certain gifts when you get older, like I never ask for ANYTHING when holidays come around. I got money and some Beef fucking Jerky and I was never happier. 

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