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Everything posted by Snare

  1. @Gidgit one of my original buds in this community give him a chance back on apd...

    1. maxg
    2. Gidgit


      My dude snare. Long time man. Thank you. Much appreciated 

  2. how do you fit an m4 in a gamma? i''ve put my kiver in it.
  3. two -ti- members permed for exploiting yikes cartel life is dead.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Snare


      wtver I don't play this dead game anyway.

    3. Apathy


      who got permed xd


    4. Tb:)


      23 minutes ago, Lynxonite said:

      who got permed xd



  4. That gw was pathetic. Doesn't even feel like we won.  Not the admins fault just because of all the dumb grease balls with nothing better to do that play with booters.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Probably shouldn't have anymore after this one if it was that bad.

    3. Nexhy
  5. Had to sprinkle the magic dust you know how it is.
  6. Don't sleep on the mango republic

    Every gang is going to be a part of the body bag ritual up to the finals.

  7. I noticed I'm dewhitelisted. Apd was a good run. Thanks for the Corp opportunities. Inactive god tier rebel from now on ;)

  8. Illuminati Confirmed. Welcome to the Community mate. I'm a little concerned though about the something else.
  9. I heard fairy tales bout how they gonna run up on me. Run up when you see me then and we gonna see.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Savage


      Let's hear the story

    3. Redmer


      You’re the whitest kid i know

    4. proud


      Now im not gonna say much, but what if the guy that has been telling you that hes gonna run up to you over a mic is actually crippled irl? Are you fucked up or is he?

  10. Who is Jamie? Lol. Grats tho.

    1. Linka


      Puts tons of time in, def deserved it

    2. JAMIE


      LMAO thanks I will admit im pretty irrelevant 

    3. Snare


      Lol nah. I'm not even trying to be toxic. I've just never played with you before. I guess I'm an inactive mongoloid these days tho.

  11. I belong in a dog pound.

    1. drama


      Off tops new chain and my wrist froze

    2. Kyle^ :)

      Kyle^ :)

      loaded up still bouncin out with that 44. 

  12. Happy birthday @Linka. They grewup fast.

    1. Linka
    2. Snare


      My bad :wub: u bro have a good day.

    3. Linka


      thanks man, xoxo 

  13. Nice to see Moob's gang is still around after all these years and still willing to fight cartels every once in a while with all the abuse he gets from the fighting community...


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Piner


      What is the measure of a good gang?  Cartel fighting?  Surely there is more to it than that.

    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Except when the leader gets perm and they go MIA for few months ;)@Snare

    4. Linka


      imagine being judged because you’re bad at an aspect in an irrelevant game LOL

  14. Happy birthday @Jazzy / Casper 

    Always was a good time playing with da boi. 

    Miss those days :/

  15. Can we get a civ time leaderboard on stats page?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hoonter


      AFK civ hours blacklisted can only play cop or medic.

    3. DeadPool


      I want all the stuff @Fedot did. 25 most kills for civ and cop. 25 most tases for cop and restraints. Etc 

    4. Fedot
  16. Cryptic gw team roster is nearing completion and we actually have quite the roster. Apply now if you're looking for a gang to fight with!!!!!


    1. proud


      Yes, rosters, yes, i enjoy the making of them.

  17. Oh I didn't read that see it now sorry I'm dumb dumb
  18. If anyone is looking for a gw team hit up this thread


  19. Can apd respond to dispatches in warzone (srapd)?
  20. Wow corporals. Just remember you still take orders from tactical coordinator snare in all combat situations.

  21. Usermane has been around for years can't check my boi Randy.
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