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Everything posted by Horizon

  1. i'll never forget what it was like to win 50m bets
  2. y'all actin like you work for the FBI with 20 years detective experience.. The dude won bets and put 1b on an alt to flex and stay at the same 1b..
  3. lolol homophobes be like "I don't brush my tongue cuz i ain't gay"
  4. whatever happened to that gamer thomas guy lol

    1. SPBojo


      Quit cuz game is shit

    2. Bloodmoon


      He still comes around every few months to rdm and by the time he's back again his ban counter's reset.

  5. I've got a DP3 4crater and garage, with a 2 crater house as well Both houses + Garage for 15m
  6. Olympus | The Witch Hunt
  7. yeah those DB kids are whack good thing you came on the forums to remind us.
  8. DZyY5dl.png


    how does one go up 100m without logging in @zoomzooooooom <_<

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. buckie


      Watch ur mouth on the homie @Kedar I’ll slap the retard outta you 

    3. zoomzooooooom


      i spawned it in 

      also are u just watching my stats constantly?

      ill keep that in mind

    4. Horizon


      @zoomzooooooom no I just check the top 50 and see who loses their bank/gets lucky

  9. @ChillX I will be back at 100m+ next week 😛

  10. SELLING DP25 house 2 crater

    SERVER 2

  11. was stalking peters clips can someone explain if this guy just started blatantly cheating?



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -dante-


      I remember this. He was being hit off to hell. It was a big thing because he knew he was and was basically walking up to easy kills with it. Most frustrated I had ever seen @Peter Long was during those awful gang wars. 

    3. snipeZ
    4. Orgondo


      Nothing better than toxic @McDili

  12. i lost 200m in 20 minutes so i havent logged in since.. once you have over 100m and only play with a titan on ur back you can’t go back to being a brokeboy... @ChillX fuck you
  13. *mita has left, heading to channel hylos*

  14. i think this is a desperate call for attention to Sr. APD. big guy wants that promotion. poor kid
  15. who made the graphic header for gang wars (picture at top of thread)?
  16. @amigo yes bro I got perm by creepy! he said you said i sold you the dube!
  17. no more dubing amigo or you get nice ban
  18. dude wtf... creepy why did I get permed for not paying him??? I want unban rn.. fuck you amigo you got me perm you happy now?
  19. @Creepy @Winters do any of you still have the video of him jumping out my own heli and falling to his death saying "have good ban" this kid is a medic XD
  20. I moved away from the north a few years ago but when I lived up north I went 5-10 times a season snowboarding. I really did love it.
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