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Everything posted by Linka

  1. You got in trouble for a reason, they have a genuine argument. Two different situations, don’t get them mixed up. all I’m saying is they didnt find anyone because the pirates got scared and turned around.. that’s common sense guys..
  2. i really enjoy the copy pasta we got going on joels new server with their apd handbook

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Savage


      @Ignis its like when u ask for ur friends hw and he says "Yea just change it up a bit so they dont look alike"

    3. Linka


      they banned me :(

    4. MAV
  3. @Last seems the devoted squad have some things to take care of the APD will not fall on the 14th, see you there
  4. So I should be getting around 100 mbps on my internet plan for cox, and I’m only getting around 30-50. Does anyone know how to fix this?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kamikaze


      best bet is to call them and tell them your speeds aren't what you are paying for.

    3. Linka


      Yeah that’s what im going to do when I get home.

    4. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      I had the same issue when I had cocks. You need to get a better router. I was paying for 100 and only getting 10 :/

  5. Personally, Let's just give cops bikes. That's all. At the current moment, the APD is the so overpowered it is ruining the game for almost everyone. 

  6. im starting a Minecraft gang wars 

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Snare


      Wait @Linka mcteams exist. Probably a bunchof squeakers using forcefield cheats haha.

    3. Linka


      @Snare literally what it is

    4. Savage


      @Snare don't blow my cover like that

  7. @Last i am very proud of you, first of the devoted leaders to get corporal. now we have unlimited heli patrols :)

    1. proud


      I can imagine that already, 1st wave to a BW, @Last screams to @Viper "COMBAT LAND US ON THE DOME"

    2. last
    3. Ryan


      2 hours ago, Proud said:

      I can imagine that already, 1st wave to a BW, @Last screams to @Viper "COMBAT LAND US ON THE DOME"

      You already know he’s losing all his money on us “crashing”... I mean accidentally getting tapped out.

  8. might wanna take that back..
  9. Congrats @HyperGoat, first of the DEVOTED PD to get SAPD :)

  10. I get denied too, they sometimes look at your past posts + vote on it I believe so if you’re not constructive in your posts or mostly toxic I can see you getting denied
  11. idk it’s better to help people than flame them
  12. If that’s the case you should start with that because they’ll still call fail rp if you change your story on taking the gps and coms and the disrupting them story
  13. @RambleR the only mod that's a well known guy to start already. Well deserved, make up proud =D

    1. RambleR


      Ohh i will, ty dude!!

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