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Everything posted by SystemChips

  1. thank you everyone ran out of reactions for today 😆

  2. @billdroid
    More than well deserved brother

  3. very cool thank you
  4. @Pledge o7 niko would be proud
  5. This is probably what you are looking for
  6. Pretty fun new event thats going to force people to fight places other than OG I think they decided against this as it would split up the olympus population
  7. Bring back these uniforms tho

    also still waiting for someone to beat @Trimorphious time

  8. Did your gang member get banned aswell? @yourscouttathere Generally an accidental run-over is not going to get anyone in trouble but when you and your boy hit them with the tag team VDM and drive-by then I wouldn't be surprised if you guys both got the bans. A ban appeal in support is usually your best bet in this situation. https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/
  9. @Trimorphious happy birthday

    1. Trimorphious
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Gary The Snail


      only true OG’s remember that man

  10. In London I guess u can report people online just like olympus and this guy rides on a bike and submits on people for going on their phone at a red light kinda like everyone on this server IRL

    if this guy pulled up to me i would have to rp break the go pro. someone @ who this is

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. thor


      snake behaviour

    3. Linka


      I mean he’s turning people in for texting and driving, like in that video she was on her phone before the stoplight. Don’t text and drive and all these problems go away 🙂

    4. Raquese


      @Linka Or don't be a snitch and kindly mind your own business, tbh ppl like this guy are the guys I wanna see on best gore being smashed by a truck

  11. Welcome if you ever need help with anything join the support channel in teamspeak
  12. Birb is somehow the richest player on our server if anything we should be asking him questions And @Birb I like to troll on these forums but you just post a lot so it looks like im targeting you but I just like to meme tbh all love comes from every single one of my posts and the desire for internet points
  13. Oxymoron
  14. I feel like 99% of your posts would be better off as a status update or maybe just written in your diary and kept to yourself but idk
  15. Thank you waffle and buckie im your biggest fans i hope you guys like my designs
    1. PoptartRex


      I still got edit perms and will share it for whoever wants

  16. if you guys aren't going to give @buckie support team lead then at least give him senior,he is the MLK of Olympus

    1. buckie


      I Have a dream that one day all players on Olympus will be looked at as equals

    2. Dicky


      Medics shall never be equal to APD @buckie they will forever be peasants 

    3. Millennium


      *insert racist buckie soundboard*

  17. come to ts sometime de fuk we talk about you all the time we need u back
  18. This thread is necro af but at least for me if I am processing you in the middle of bum fuck where I caught you, its almost always cuz I am trying to let you go back your car and go about your business rather than bringing you to HQ to send you to jail. If anything if cops could only process in HQ, a lot more people would be getting sent to jail and not worth for civs.
  19. @Linka happy birthday my brother I am a big fan

    1. Linka


      love u brudda

  20. looking for gang shed for cartels on server 1 if anyone has a good one for sale or knows a good open one

  21. https://nerdordie.com/ Has most of the elements your asking for. Download streamlabs aswell and they have a lot of helpful stuff.
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