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Civ Round Table 1-21-18



Just like the last update, Jesse is recording our Civ Round Table Discussions for you all to watch and listen to so you guys have a better idea what we Civ Reps do at the meetings and have a better understanding of the whole thing. I will be listing in the topics below whether the idea was Passed or Rejected, if it was rejected I will leave a time stamp in the section so you can go listen to the reasons as to why it was rejected.

  • Remove Compact NVG from Blackwater Loot Pool/Add to Shops. *Passed*
  • Add Titans to Blackwater Loot Pool *Passed*
  • Different Colored Mk1s/Scopes *Maybe*: As it stands now it is a 'No' simply because it would require a complete new menu UI however it wasn't shot down so potentially in the future when Devs have some extra time on their hand.
  • Ability to turn off Flashing Cop Lights *Passed*: The way to do this is still not completely set in stone but at least we'll have the ability to now, as we all know doing a Fed or a BW at night is a straight headache with all the mass amounts of cop cars and all their flashing lights. 
  • #r (Reply) Messaging System *Passed*: This is simply a way to quickly respond to someone that has texted you and or send a message to another player by just typing #r and or #t Orgondo 
  • Confirmation Box for Purchasing a Gun while already having a gun equiped. *Passed* #DeadpoolCantListen Starts at 9:20
  • Various Earplug Volumes *Passed*
  • Cartel Cap Not Showing Contested at 100% *Fixed*
  • Custom Character *In Testing*: Basically the Devs will test the custom characters out and see how they work with our messaging system, battlemetrics etc to see if there will be any potential risks and or complications with them. Currently no one is against the implication of the custom characters so wait and see what happens.
  • Group Tags *Passed*: Not going to go into much detail on this because the implication of it is still being discussed so listen for yourselves and take it as you will. Starts at 11:45
  • Bloodbags Purchasable in Dope Crates *Rejected: "No, pack your own stuff for battle"-Mercury Starts at 26:25. Potentially a addition in the future however.

If you want to watch the whole meeting for yourself this is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By0lqv5cgQo



Recommended Comments



Where's my credit for the gun confirmation box :(



Ability to turn off Flashing Cop Lights *Passed*: The way to do this is still not completely set in stone but at least we'll have the ability to now, as we all know doing a Fed or a BW at night is a straight headache with all the mass amounts of cop cars and all their flashing lights. 




3 hours ago, Ludde said:

Where's my credit for the gun confirmation box :(

Literally had your name at the end of the text when I sent it in the chat not my fault if orgondo does not give it 

Fake Grandma



Ability to turn off Flashing Cop Lights *Passed*: The way to do this is still not completely set in stone but at least we'll have the ability to now, as we all know doing a Fed or a BW at night is a straight headache with all the mass amounts of cop cars and all their flashing lights. 

Since when do cops go in lights and sirens to feds and bw?

  • Like 1


50 minutes ago, Grandma said:

Since when do cops go in lights and sirens to feds and bw?

It’s anything that is civ v cop. It is pure cancer to have flashing lights all the time. Plus you always have that one cop who does it. Now we will have the ability to remove the cancer lights with a touch of a button.

Ozzy Jones



#r (Reply) Messaging System *Passed*: This is simply a way to quickly respond to someone that has texted you and or send a message to another player by just typing #r and or #t Orgondo 

Best thing on the list, should have happened years ago.



WOW taking credit for the ear plug suggestion (I know it’s an asylum thing but still) WOW



12 hours ago, Ludde said:

Where's my credit for the gun confirmation box :(


8 hours ago, DeadPool said:

Literally had your name at the end of the text when I sent it in the chat not my fault if orgondo does not give it 


3 hours ago, Monkeysz said:

WOW taking credit for the ear plug suggestion (I know it’s an asylum thing but still) WOW

Literally I will never give credit to anyone in these Blog posts, ever. Waste of my time nor do I care to give you a spotlight. Credit is usually said at the Meeting so if you wanna gloat and stoke your e-peen go watch the video.

  • Like 1


4 hours ago, Monkeysz said:

WOW taking credit for the ear plug suggestion (I know it’s an asylum thing but still) WOW

Was on the list before you even told me about it.



3 minutes ago, Orgondo said:



Literally I will never give credit to anyone in these Blog posts, ever. Waste of my time nor do I care to give you a spotlight. Credit is usually said at the Meeting so if you wanna gloat and stoke your e-peen go watch the video.

:( i thought you loved me, i guess lou is the only one who loves me



Just now, Ludde said:

:( i thought you loved me, i guess lou is the only one who loves me

Well i mean, he is bisexual. 


Posted (edited)

I play as a black character so can I get some clothing with black arms? I'm always a black guy with white arms. #allracesmatter.:Kappa:

Edited by Snare


18 hours ago, DeadPool said:

Was on the list before you even told me about it.

I suggested this before you was a civ rep

18 hours ago, Orgondo said:



Literally I will never give credit to anyone in these Blog posts, ever. Waste of my time nor do I care to give you a spotlight. Credit is usually said at the Meeting so if you wanna gloat and stoke your e-peen go watch the video.

I was being sarcastic about it :unsure:

  • Senior Developer


Wow, that's actually a lot of really good stuff.

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