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Everything posted by swrvy

  1. free the gamer @F A D E poor kid has autism and just wants to play his favorite altis life server before he kicks the bucket

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. swrvy


      @Vac. its not like he was cheating when he played with us. imagine caring that much about a kid playing a video game

    3. Vcx


      Not saying he shouldn't play just said it looks bad other than that I love Luis 

    4. Asylum player
  2. ok can we fix the server now thanks

  3. teamplayers irl

    Related image


    1. iPopsicle


      That was a good ass movie ngl

  4. hey now that we're actually paying attention to what the players want, can we get this gw bracket fixed? its absolutely busted and seeds are random. heres a bracket with more accurate seeds and fun fights


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Masonn


      The seeds are supposed to be random?



      makes no sense for it to be random, why have the best fights in the first round @Mason Statham

    4. Elements


      10 hours ago, 3 Rip said:

      no matter how u make the bracket its a free win for ti 


  5. eta on a dev that can make a working save/load loadout function

    Image result for monkeys screwing in a lightbulb

    1. Dab


      It was working as intended, don’t understand why they took it out

    2. Mason Harrison
    3. DashTonic


      ETA on civ counsel being nontoxic

  6. beliebers @Cake @Fernando_
  7. this bracket is busted
  8. if we are going to give rewards for holding a cartel the most time in a month then it should be limited to OG and it needs to be during certain times when pop isn't as low. as well as also designating server 1 or 2 to be the server that the time is counted on. gang uniform, faster cap or gang funds all sound like good rewards, it needs to be something worth fighting for or gangs aren't going to bother logging on for it. maybe during the time that is being counted towards this, players on OG cap gain a warpoint every few minutes that they are on it or gaining twice as many warpoints from kills in warzone.
  9. dantonis dont fuck around
  10. could we make a schedule for every match on the bracket so im not sitting at my computer for two days again please
  11. @Greenbum @sped hbd fellow gbers

    1. sped


      gbs will be had tonight

  12. mommy said no more blowing up the olympus gamers
  13. picking up y from briefcases is broken

    1. Pledge


      What about it is broken? If you have a sec come talk to me in TS

    2. Millennium


      4 minutes ago, Pledge said:

      What about it is broken? If you have a sec come talk to me in TS

      you cant even open the suitcase. Windows key doesnt seem to work to open it

  14. o7
  15. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198192243039/
  16. ill pay someone to write these 390 word answers to a couple questions about art msg me. i cba art is for fags that play the skin flute

    1. drama


      @rapidaax is always good for some quick cash for doing gay shit

  17. swrvy

    WTB shit

    i have 2 zafirs, you willing to pay 400k each?
  18. shhhhh we let them think that so they keep giving us free warpoints. poor bastards dont realize they arent winning a single war against any cartel gang
  19. link your porn playlist you smelly bastard
  20. swrvy

    100m bet

    someone teach this retard how to make a status update
  21. ill sell you hawk for 23m
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