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Everything posted by Noodles:D

  1. Coke's good all around Pepsi has to be cold to slap
  2. Say what you want but this election proves one thing. No matter how much a president is for the people, the corrupt establishment will not lose again.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy



      I'm happy that you're at least open to that because there is no reason that Pelosi, McConnell or any of the other career politicians should be still in the spots they are.

    3. Noodles:D


      @ThatNerdyGuy Lmao I wasn't talk shit. I literally just explained exactly what the role of the supreme court is and why they don't have term limits. Anyone who has taken a civics class can tell you exactly why the supreme court shouldn't have term limits. But until you can understand why they don't have term limits, pound sand.

    4. Linka


      @ThatNerdyGuy not gonna share my opinioon on anything else except this


      FUCK. PELOSI. 

  3. It's gonna be close but I think my boy Donald J. is gonna pull through.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NokiaStrong


      check again, bidens come back in Wisconsin and Michigan 

    3. Theory


      yeah but 150k votes appeared at 3-4 in the morning in penny and another 120-130k in wisconsin around same time so l0l?  

    4. Theory


      statistically impossible 

  4. Did you guys hear that Donald J. Trump is about to win his second term?

    1. buckie
    2. lukie


      cool story but im eating toast and it tastes even cooler

  5. @ThatNerdyGuy Is Pennsylvania gonna be a red state this year?


    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      I'd say it's really close. The rural parts of the state will lean towards Trump and the urban areas will lean towards Biden. Just hard to call.

    2. Millennium
    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Wow nerdy, you just described voter identification in literally every state. Congrats

  6. IF this guy was still playing the server it would be over
  7. original-6499-1505197899-2.png?crop=973:

    "Representative of the great state of Texas"

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH


      Were with you Senator Cruz

    2. Bloodmoon
    3. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      Didn't his dad kill JFK or something like that?

  8. Anyone wanna play among us? message @Linka in ts if you do.

  9. Anyone wanna play tarkov? Maybe some labs?

  10. @Greenbum i love you

    cameo by @Drippp dead on the bed

  11. Since quiting Olympus I have gotten railed by a massive gentleman maybe it was Olympus holding me back @Hoonter . No but really does anyone wanna run labs on tarkov?

  12. Anyone wanna play some tarkov?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Noodles:D


      @Zurph I'll do the carrying. But i'd love to join sometime. Do you guys play in plague dis or ts?

    3. JuanDeaged


      Plague disc come on we play everyday 

    4. Drippp
  13. This Olympus ad is telling me they're "hot singles in my area". I kinda vibe with the ads now.

  14. So now I see why you don't post
  15. o7 my friends will be missed
  16. Imagine getting corp again @Millennium

  17. Yo can we get ads in game too? I want my game to look like this.


    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Not gonna lie Olympus is prime real estate for birth control ads

      "Wrap it or you may end up with little shits like this: olympus-entertainment.com"

    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      I would like to pay to advertise my “It’s never too late” abortion clinic


  18. @ooooooooo We aren't friends anymore dude. Why'd you fuck my mom?

  19. Congrats @Strae I better see that kav HQ

    Happy birthday @1thedoc make it a good one brother!

  20. Can anyone loan me $50 so I can buy Tarkov cheats

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